March 14, 2013
Source: International Society for Seed Science (ISSS)
Alma Ballestrazzi, from the University of Pavia would like to draw ISSS members’ attention to a research opportunity in Italy, on biochemical and molecular aspects of seed vigour.
‘I am a researcher at Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Biology and Biotechnology-University of Pavia (Italy) and I am currently involved in research projects dealing with seed vigor together with my friends and collaborators Prof. Graziano Rossi (Lombardy Seed Bank) and Prof. Armando Buttafava (Radiation Chemistry) of the University of Pavia and operators from seed companies we are preparing an application for getting a research grant from a private foundation (Fondazione CARIPLO).
The target of our research, indicated by the SMES involved in the project, will be cereals and horticultural species
The proposal requires the recruitment of a senior researcher from a foreign Research Center highly qualified.
The researcher will join us, in the project and he/she will be asked to work for at least 4 months/year in Italy.
I have prepared an abstract in which the basic informations on the project are summarised: Expression of interest together with the official document of the call (available on request)
Could you please send out this message to the people of the seed science network?
The deadline is March 28th.
Ddo not hesitate to contact me for further information.
Best regards
Alma Balestrazzi
Plant Biotechnology Laboratory
Department of Biology and Biotechnology ‘L. Spallanzani’
Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia
tel. +390382985435
fax +390382528496