Loveland Products presents Consensus seed treatment video
Loveland, Colorado, USA
February 20, 2013
Loveland Products announces a new on-line feature explaining the modes of action of Consensus seed treatment.
“While the technology behind Consensus is complex, the take-home message for farmers is simple: faster emergence, better early roots, and improved stress resistance,” says Marty Robinson, Seed Treatment Market Manager at Loveland Products.
“Net returns range from better than $20 per acre in soybeans, to $85 an in cotton, based on replicated trials. Growers report faster plant stands, bigger seedling root systems and improved yields”, according to Robinson.
To help explain Consensus, its components and how they can affect plant physiology, Loveland Products has launched an on-line video available now for viewing.
The product is labeled for a wide range of field and other crops, and is marketed through Crop Production Services retail locations.