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ICARDA establishes seed technology unit in Qatar

Source: Seed Info No. 43, July 2012

Seed and forage production of tropical crops such as clover and Rhodes grass are constrained by water scarcity and high soil salinity risks in the Arabian Peninsula (AP) countries. The alternative is the use of more drought tolerant native grasses and shrubs for feed, amenity, and ornamental purposes. However, for those native grasses and shrub species, appropriate crop management practices, harvesting, and post harvesting technologies and procedures for production of quality seed and propagating material are not yet developed and widely applied in the Arabian Penninsula countries.

ICARDA is assisting in setting up Seed Technology Units (STUs) with a set of specialized facilities, and developing specific procedures and practices for assessment of forage and seed productivity and quality of native compared to the low water-use efficiency tropical species used for feed production. ICARDA is involved by providing technical assistance to strengthen capacity of human resources. This includes the design of the STU facilities, assisting in providing specifications and procurement for seed processing machines and laboratory equipment, and developing the principles and techniques of
quality seed production. So far, three STUs are established, one each in United Arab Emirates, the Sultanate of Oman, and Saudi Arabia under an International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) funded technology transfer project managed by the Arabian Peninsula Regional Program.

The major components of a functional STU are:

  • Availability of open fields with reliable water sources for quality seed and forage production
  • Availability of appropriate infrastructure to accommodate post-harvest facilities and activities such as seed processing and storage
  • Availability of appropriate infrastructure to accommodate seed quality control and research facilities and activities such as physical and physiological seed quality analysis
  • Availability of a suitable area for establishing a platform for bulk material drying, preliminary threshing, and seed winnowing
  • Trained man power for supervision and implementation of production and postharvest activities
  • Ongoing research and production activities for seed and forage within and around the station

In May 2011, ICARDA initiated the establishment of the STU in Qatar following discussion of its functions with crop and livestock experts, researchers, and extension staff of the Ministry of Environment. A review of existing and new field and laboratory facilities at Rawdatul Faras and Uturat Agricultural Research Stations enabled the assessment and establishment of a functional STU for research and quality seed production.

In March 2012, a technical backstopping mission and a training course was organized on installation, operation, and use of the STU facilities and equipment for seed production, processing, and quality control. Five participants from the Uturat Research Station participated in the installation, operation, and adjustment of the seed processing machines recently procured to equip the STU. The basic infrastructure and equipment for seed production, processing, testing, and storage are ready for use. However, additional equipment and specialized laboratory furniture such as working benches, stands for laboratory equipment, chairs, and shelves are required to start full and proper operation. When the seed quality laboratory is fully furnished, a two-week on the job-training course on seed testing will be organized at the STU.

For sustainability of the STU, it is crucial to widen the scope of its mandate by establishing linkages with other research and educational institutions, such as the colleges of agriculture and natural science and the public and private entities involved in reforestation and gardening.

Abdoul Aziz Niane, ICARDA, P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria; E-mail: a.niane@cgiar.org

More news from: ICARDA (International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas)

Website: http://www.icarda.org

Published: November 13, 2012

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