Tainan, Taiwan
October 2012
Source: AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center Newsletter
An international mungbean workshop was held at the Hyderabad Marriot Hotel and Convention Center on 2 October 2012 as part of the VI International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG). It was the largest international mungbean workshop held in recent years, and included 30 participants from India, Bangladesh, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, USA and Canada.
Warwick Easdown, Regional Director, AVRDC South Asia, welcomed the participants. A global perspective on mungbean breeding and genetic resources was presented by Ram Nair, AVRDC Legume Breeder. Praveen Reddy, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Bioinformatics, showcased an online mungbean pedigree system (International Vigna radiata Information System) developed as part of an AVRDCICRISAT project funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). A success story on the summer mungbean crop in north India was presented by Tejinderjit Bains, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India. Merrill Ryan and Col Douglas, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia participated in the workshop via Skype and gave an overview of the Australian mungbean breeding program, noting the narrow genetic base of Australian mungbean varieties. Xavier Martin, 2011 Australian Mungbean Association champion mungbean grower, spoke on mungbean farming from an Australian perspective. Mark Olson from Agriculture and Rural Development, Canada highlighted the challenges faced in growing mungbean as a new crop in Canada. Cheng Xuzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China presented an update on the mungbean breeding program in China.

Ram Nair (left) receives the best skill award for the poster presentation from Dr. CLL Gowda, Research Program Director, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
Roland Schafleitner, AVRDC Head of Molecular Genetics, spoke on the targets for molecular breeding in mungbean. Markerassisted selection for bruchid resistance in mungbean was presented by Jayamani Palaniappan, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Suk-Ha Lee, Seoul National University, South Korea gave an update on the progress made in the sequencing of the mungbean genome. VC 1973A (KPS1) is the mungbean line being used for sequencing.
Workshop participants agreed on the need to share genetic and genomic resources, hold regular mungbean workshops (at least once every two years), contribute to the revival of the international mungbean nursery, and engage in more collaborative projects with support from international and national donors.
More than 500 participants from 44 countries attended the ICLGG, joining in sessions on next generation genomics; symbiosis and development; evolution and diversity; harnessing germplasm resources; abiotic stress; pathogenesis and disease resistance; genomic resources and trait mapping; genomics-assisted breeding; nutrition and quality; and translational genomics.