September 29, 2012
China International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition 2012 was held at Shenyang International Exhibition Center during September 25th to 27th. The Exhibition was jointly organized by China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association (CAMDA), China Farm Mechanization Association (CFMA), China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers (CAAMM), Liao Ning Agriculture and Economy Committee, and Liao Ning Agricultural Mechanization Administration. Vice Minister of Agriculture, Zhang Taolin attended and addressed the opening ceremony.
In his speech at the opening ceremony, Zhang said that farm machinery is a corner stone for development of modern agriculture, and agricultural mechanization is an important feature of agricultural modernization. Thanks to support from different parties and joint efforts of CAMDA, CFMA and CAAMM, the China International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition has been expanding its influence and scale year after year. It has become a major platform for displaying new farm machinery products and technology in China, an important occasion to promote farm machinery production, circulation and extension and publicize laws, regulations and policies, and an effective channel for exchange of demand and supply information in farm machinery industry. It is playing a more and more important role in the mechanization of agricultural production in China.
As an annual event, this year's Exhibition broke the record in terms of exhibition area, number of exhibitors and number of visitors. It is the biggest event for farm machinery sector in China, and even in Asia. More than 1700 farm machinery businesses participated in the Exhibition, including over 40 foreign businesses from America, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, India, South Korea, and Malaysia. The total exhibition area amounted to over 200,000 square meters, which received over 100,000 visitors including representatives of domestic farm machinery dealers, farm machinery service providers, and farm machinery users, officials from farm machinery regulation, certification, extension and research agencies, and representatives from foreign associations, agents and dealers.
The Exhibition has demonstrated the sound and rapid development of China's agricultural mechanization, especially achievements in improving the farm machinery products mix and promoting farm machinery distribution. Concurrently with the Exhibition, a variety of side events were carried including 2012 China Agricultural Machinery Forum, 2012 Meeting on Economic and Market Analysis of Farm Machinery Industry, Farm Machinery Products Demonstration, and National Farm Machinery Photo Contest.