Breeding and seed technology to be emphasized at California workshop
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
September 5, 2012
Source: Newsletter of the American Seed Trade Association
The American Seed Trade Association's Future Seed Executives (FuSE) Committee will host up to 25 attendees Oct. 10 in Salinas, Calif., for an education unit highlighting the progress in vegetable breeding and innovation with seed treatments.
"Breeding and Seed Technology in the Vegetable Industry" will kick off with a reception Oct. 9 at Monterey Coast Brewing in Salinas, sponsored by FuSE.
The educational unit, which will take early career individuals through INCOTEC's and Enza Zaden's facilities in the area, will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. the following day. While at Enza Zaden, participants will hear from Ronald Welten, breeding station manager, about the breeding behind the companies new specialized varieties.
"The technology component of the seed business is incredibly important," said Brad Kortsen, INCOTEC sales and marketing manager. "FuSE participants touring our facilities can look forward to seeing some of our newest technology at work."
Lunch will be provided by FuSE, during which participants will learn about its mission and activities.
In the afternoon, Kent Bradford, Seed Biotechnology Center director at UC-Davis, will join the group, providing insight on the center's activities and his experience working on a joint public-private development project.
Registration, available online at, is $100 for ASTA members and students and $150 for non-members. A room block has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Express, Salinas, for Oct. 9-10 at a rate of $109 per night. Be sure to mention "ASTA FuSE." Reservations and registration must be complete by Oct. 1.
"We look forward to touring and learning from two of the vegetable industry's leading organizations," said Ryan Betka of Syngenta who is responsible for the FuSE-hosted educational units.
For questions or more information, contact the ASTA office at 703-837-8140 or
More news from: . ASTA - American Seed Trade Association* . Enza Zaden USA, Inc. . INCOTEC Group BV
Website: Published: September 5, 2012 |
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