May 31, 2012
Honeybee population decline has been a hot topic over the past few years. And very recently, neonicotinoid-treated seed has become an item of importance in this overall discussion.
New research suggests that honeybees foraging near fields may be exposed to lethal levels of neonicotinoids, particularly during periods when corn and soybean crops are being planted.
In the Plant Management Network's latest webcast for corn and soybean growers and consultants, Dr. Christian Krupke, Associate Professor and Extension Entomologist at Purdue University, offers suggestions to minimize the chances of honeybee exposure to seed treated chemicals in the field. In addition, Krupke presents an overview of the latest research on treated seed and honeybee health.
This 15-minute talk is open access in the Focus on Corn and Focus on Soybean resources through August 31, 2012. Viewers can also opt to see a 5-minute executive summary version of this presentation in Focus on Soybean. This shorter executive summary version is permanently open access courtesy of the United Soybean Board.
View this presentation in Focus on Corn at
Focus on Soybean and Focus on Corn are publications of the Plant Management Network (, a nonprofit online publisher whose mission is to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. PMN achieves this mission through its applied, science-based resources and through its partnerships with more 80 organizations, including universities,
nonprofits, and agribusinesses. PMN is jointly managed by The American Phytopathological
Society, American Society of Agronomy, and Crop Science Society of America.