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How to select wheat varieties to fit your growing conditions - Guidelines from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension

Fargo, North Dakota, USA
August 21, 2009

Source: Crop Watch News Service
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources

The attainable wheat yield in a particular season is mainly determined by the wheat variety,
management input, and growing conditions Mother Nature provides.

Of these three factors, producers can exercise the maximum leverage for the minimum cost through variety selection. Variety selection can mean the difference between a most rewarding season or a disappointing one. Varieties selected to meet the needs of your operation are likely to generate the most return for comparatively less investment than other inputs.

The UNL Variety Testing Program provides useful information on winter wheat varieties sold in Nebraska based on field trials conducted throughout the state under various conditions. Wheat varieties tested by the program come fromthe UNL wheat breeding program, public breeding programs from surrounding states such as Colorado, Kansas, and South Dakota, and the private seed industry.

The Nebraska Wheat Board financially supports the testing of wheat varieties from other public institutions.

Full document and tables:


Wheat Varieties Virtual Tour a Selection Resource

With the 2009 winter wheat harvest behind them, Nebraska wheat growers are turning their attention to the 2010 wheat crop. One of the most critical decisions they will make is what wheat variety to seed this fall. One of the resources they may want to use for this decision is the Wheat Varieties Virtual Tour.



A link to the Winter Wheat Variety Selection Tool is located on the front page of the Virtual Tour. This tool allows growers to narrow their search for a new wheat variety. Growers are asked seven questions that help identify variety characteristics that are important to them. The tool then queries a database to identify those varieties that meet the selected criteria.

The Wheat Varieties Virtual Tour site is updated each year in early August with the results from the latest statewide variety testing program. This ensures that growers have access to the most current information on winter wheat varieties when making their seed purchasing decisions.

The selection of adapted and complimentary varieties is one of the most important decisions a wheat grower will make for this season. Make a more informed decision by visiting the Wheat Varieties Virtual Tour.

Additional on-line information on wheat varieties can be found at the UNL Variety Testing Page.


Wheat Selection Resources


More news from: CropWatch

Website: http://cropwatch.unl.edu/

Published: August 21, 2009

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