Paris, France
June 30, 2009
On 29 June 2009, INRA, CIRAD, AgroParisTech, Agrocampus Ouest, Montpellier SupAgro and ENV Toulouse signed an agreement establishing the "National Consortium for agriculture, food, animal health and the environment", marking the start of the collective effort embarked upon by the six founding members. In doing so, they have formed an organisation that can rise up to the global challenges arising from new demands in agriculture, food, animal health and the environment.
The partnership is a move to address needs for new models in agriculture, food supply, and sustainable management of land and resources in both the North and South through scientific discovery and innovation, training and knowledge sharing.
The consortium was created as a public scientific cooperation institution by the Ministries for Agriculture, Higher Education and Research, and Foreign Affairs, demonstrating their desire to improve French research and training facilities in their fields. The move seeks to increase France's visibility, appeal and international relevance, and help create and mobilise new scientific capabilities in these areas.
The consortium, supported by a strategic planning committee, will be open to French and foreign scientists. It will promote programmes and activities that link research, training and international development, in particular through an international doctoral school.
Additional research and higher education institutions may become full or associate partners of the consortium. This special partnership complements and strengthens previously-formed alliances within the French research and education system in the framework of the French Centres for Research and Higher Education (PRES), as well as with other research bodies and universities.
> download the agreement (PDF, French)
The consortium was created by a decree dated 10 May 2009 as a public scientific cooperation institution while recognising each member's autonomy and specific statutes.
Together, the 6 founding members represent: 12,000 persons of which 5,700 are scientists (5,150 researchers and engineers and 575 teacher-researchers), 4,700 students and 2,200 doctoral students working in the agricultural and veterinary fields.
Some 300 officially-recognised research units
5 common research and training campuses in Ile-de-France, Montpellier, Rennes-Angers and Toulouse.
A network of top-notch technology platforms and open experimental facilities.
Rich and diverse university partnerships.
Cooperation agreements with industry partners and key development players.
Presence in over 50 industrialised and developing countries.