Tainan, Taiwan
February 6, 2012
Distinguished Professor Huang Hao-Jen of life science at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), southern Taiwan, innovated the technology of molecular detection of genetic markers developed in heat-tolerant cauliflower for assisting the selection of breeding to ensure the year-round supply.
Cauliflower is usually grown for its floral head production in regions where the average temperature is 25 deg C or lower. In a subtropical area, like Taiwan, it can only be grown during the fall, winter, and spring. In summer, there is no production and the market depends on imports from temperate regions of the world.
Huang studied the production of floral head in high temperatures and developed a number of molecular markers to distinguish the heat-tolerant cauliflower.
"Heat stress due to high ambient temperatures is an important agricultural problem in the world. High temperature exposures result in floral abortion on many plant species, including bean, broccoli, cauliflower, cotton, pea, pepper, and tomato," Huang noted.
Huang cheerfully announced that now cauliflower can be grown all year round since the technology has been successfully transferred to Sing-Flow Seed Trading Co. Ltd. to reduce production costs, and increase production for the benefit of farmers.
"Biotechnology seed industry may have a promising future in Taiwan and the production of seedlings of high economic value corps for export can be the new focus of Taiwan's agriculture," Huang further suggested.
Source: National Cheng Kung University