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University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Spring Seed Guide includes trial results, lists certified seed dealers

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
January 12, 2012

Source: CropWatch

Results from this year’s UNL field trials are available in the Extension Spring Seed Guide, EC 101. This guide can help producers gauge achievable yields with hybrids currently on the market based on unbiased field trials. It includes information on corn, soybean, sorghum, alfalfa, and sunflower trials and a list by the Nebraska Crop Improvement Association of certified seed sources and private industries developing and marketing hybrids and varieties in Nebraska.

Copies are available at local county offices or can be viewed online in the CropWatch Variety Test  section. (To access reports for specific crops online, use the list in the left navigation bar.)

Tables 1 and 2 (below) provide a brief summary of results from the corn and soybean trials at each location. For more detailed information on the performance of specific brands and hybrids, see the Spring Seed Guide (EC101).

The results include hybrids submitted by commercial companies as well as those entered by producers. Commercial product names are not included unless the field trial entry was made by the company. If you would like to see additional hybrids included, encourage companies to participate in these trials.

If your hybrids don’t yield as much as those listed in the results, it may be time to seriously look at other brands.

Teshome Regassa
Crop physiologist and State Variety Testing Coordinator


Table 1. Average performance of corn entries at each test location in 2011.

Location Condition Entries Yield LSD Yield(bu/ac, 15%) Harvest Moisture (%) Bushel Weight (lb/bu) Plant Population Broken Plants (%) EPV ($)*

Butler County Rainfed 23 17.9 159.1 15.4 58.7 20,960 --- $995
Hamilton County Irrigated 29 24.9 224.3 15.1 59.6 30,470 --- $1,406
Otoe County Rainfed 21 16.1 151.6 13.3 60.0 21,240 --- $962
York County Irrigated 26 21.4 219.3 15.6 59.0 31,470 --- $1,368
South Central                  
Clay County Irrigated 29 24.9 224.3 15.1 59.6 30,470 --- $1,406
Gage County Rainfed 24 11.5 152.3 14.4 60.6 19,920 --- $965
Harlan County Rainfed 24 12.0 187.9 18.9 55.7 17,550 --- $1,144
Phelps County Irrigated 27 23 247.2 18.9 56.5 28,690 7.5 $1,504
Dixon County Rainfed 24 17.8 166.8 11.7 58.7 24,700 3.6 $1,072
Dixon County Irrigated 24 22.0 179.6 13.5 56.5 28,410 --- $1,139
Holt County Irrigated 15 13.7 241.7 16.4 28.5 31,660 --- $1,489
Pierce County Irrigated 24 19.9 205.1 12.8 58.0 29,480 13.6 $1,311
West Central                  
Buffalo County Irrigated 22 17.8 254.4 17.7 57.0 30,760 3.5 $1,562
Red Willow County Irrigated 22 24.7 207.9 13.6 59.7 28,150 14.3 $1,318
Dawson County Irrigated 23 21.4 220.0 15.1 58.5 29,860 6.7 $1,379
Dundy County Irrigated 23 17.1 148.6 14.6 58.8 28,530 21.1 $935
Custer County Irrigated 23 19.8 247.9 19.5 55.7 28,850 --- $1,504
Lincoln County Irrigated 23 29.4 179.2 16.3 59.0 29,070 16.8 $1,112

Goshen County, Wyoming

Irrigated 11 27.9 87.1 17.4 54.2 32,580 8.9 $537


Table 2. Average performance of soybean entries at each test location in 2011.

Test Entries Yield (bu/ac) Bushel weight (lb/bu) Plant height (inch) Seed size (grain/lb) Grain protein (%) Grain oil (%) EPV ($)

East/South Central                
Clay Early (Irrigated) 7 68.1 54.9 40 2641 35.0 19.2 12.8
Clay Late (Irrigated) 13 72.9 55.6 45 2687 34.2 18.6 12.5
Furnas Early (Irrigated) 11 76.4 58.0 44 2769 34.4 19.5 -
Furnas Late (Irrigated) 17 72.3 56.8 46 2806 33.6 18.9 12.4
Saunders Early (Irrigated) 7 80.1 55.5 40 2981 34.9 19.4 12.8
Saunders Late (Irrigated) 13 81.7 55.6 45 2953 32.7 18.9 12.2
Southeast District                
Saline Early (Rainfed) 6 41.9 55.0 29 2683 35.2 19.2 -
Saline Late (Rainfed) 12 44.7 53.9 31 2745 35.3 18.7 12.7
Webster Early (Irrigated) 10 78.5 58.0 42 2886 35.1 18.5 12.6
Webster Late (Irrigated) 16 75.1 58.1 More news from:
    . University of Nebraska
    . CropWatch

Website: http://www.unl.edu

Published: January 14, 2012

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