Walnut Creek, California, USA
September 22, 2011
Valent U.S.A. Corporation and Isagro S.p.A have announced that Domark® Fungicide has received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use on field corn, popcorn and seed corn.
Domark is a triazole chemistry, making it a unique option with both systemic and contact activity for a corn segment where strobilurin fungicides are predominant. As a triazole, Domark has preventive and curative activity, while strobilurins are limited to preventive control. Additionally, Domark is more effective than other triazoles against a broader range of diseases in soybeans and corn, including leaf spots (gray leaf spot, eyespot), rusts (common, southern) and leaf blights (anthracnose, southern corn leaf blight) in corn.
Gerald Holmes, Valent field market development specialist, also believes this alternative mode of action will be an important tool in growers' resistance management toolboxes.
"Resistance management is a top-of-mind issue for many corn growers who are limited to mostly strobilurin products," Holmes said. "Domark will provide corn growers with a much-needed triazole mode of action from a product they can count on for excellent disease control."
Since its introduction in the United States, Domark has been an effective tool in the control and prevention of major soybean diseases such as white mold, frogeye leafspot and purple seed stain—without causing green stems at harvest. Holmes said that in corn trials conducted in the 2011 season, results indicate that Domark effectively controls yield-robbing diseases, which, in turn, protects yield potential.
"The proven performance of Domark in the soybean market has resulted in impressive yield benefit claims," Holmes said. "And based on our field trials, corn growers will see similar increases in yield with Domark."