Mali’s national seed fair
July 2011
Source: AVRDC newsletter
Sikasso may be Mali’s “second city” in terms of population, but it ranks first in agricultural importance— and thus provided an appropriate backdrop to the 4th National Seed Fair on 17-18 May 2011.
More than 200 representatives from farmers’ associations and cooperatives, NGOs, seed companies, and agro-input dealers, and researchers from national and international institutions actively exchanged their experiences in the production of basic and certified seed, legislative policies, control and certification in the field, and trade and marketing issues— including the need to have high quality seed stocks available throughout the region.
Ousmane Sanogo, AVRDC seed multiplication specialist, presented some results from the Center’s recently completed Vegetable Breeding and Seed Systems for Poverty Reduction in Africa Project (vBSS) in West Africa. He noted the Center’s technical and financial support of Mali’s first official catalog of species and varieties of vegetable crops, the release of 23 new improved vegetable varieties in Mali, the strengthening of partnerships, capacity building through training (students, training of trainers, direct producers), and the advanced results obtained in nutrition. At the colorful AVRDC fair booth, Ousmane and research assistant Moussa Kanouté provided advice on growing vegetables and producing seed, and answered questions related to the Center’s four research themes.
More news from: World Vegetable Center
Website: Published: July 30, 2011 |
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