Kiev, Ukraine
May 12, 2011
Source: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine via Black Sea Biotechnology Association
Press service of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
The Government approved the draft law "On amending the Law of Ukraine "On State Biosafety System for creating, testing, transportation and use of genetically modified organisms”. The draft law developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and approved in May 11.
By the amendments provided introducing a mechanism of traceability of products containing genetically modified organisms (hereinafter - GMOs) or derived from their use and to empower the Cabinet of Ministers to determine the scientific institution empowered to perform functions of the Scientific and methodological centre for GMOs testing and major powers such centre.
Introducing such a mechanism will allow entities to save money on product research on GMO content and simultaneously enhance their responsibility for the circulation of these products.
However, the state will have an opportunity to improve the system of state supervision and control of trafficking in these products, and people have accurate information about products containing GMOs or derived from their use.
Determination of the institution, authorized to perform functions of the Scientific and methodological centre for GMO testing will ensure the reliability of laboratory tests to determine GMO content in products.