September 12, 2024
By now, you might have seen a different looking, yellow blooming winter crop in a field near you. What you might not know is that the crop is called carinata and that it offers a new choice for cover crop growers.
Nuseed Carinata is a unique, harvestable cover crop that is providing growers in the Southern U.S. an opportunity to renew their soil and be rewarded for their sustainable production practices. Its oil-rich seeds are a preferred feedstock for advanced low-carbon biofuels such as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), providing growers direct access to an exciting new value chain.
Now in its third commercial season in the southern U.S., the Nuseed Carinata program’s footprint is rapidly expanding as more growers experience the benefits of producing this resilient Brassica cover crop during the winter between their primary cash crops.
The Nuseed Carinata team is spread across the growing region from Texas to South Carolina staying closely connected to local challenges and opportunities.
“One thing we see with growers is that primary crops don’t provide the income they used to,” says Michelle Arceneaux, Nuseed’s Carinata Commercial Program Manager. “Input costs are higher, margins are lower, and some growers struggle from year to year, especially with the way the markets have been. Nuseed Carinata provides that extra bit of income to the farm, providing a buffer mid-year that can help pay for inputs for the next season.”
Beyond Agronomic Benefits
Planted in winter, carinata hybrids are well-suited as a cover crop with broad leaves, high plant biomass, and a nutrient-scavenging tap root system adaptable to a wide range of soils. Adding carinata to your crop plan enhances soil organic matter, disrupts cycles of challenging weeds and pests like parasitic nematodes, and renews the land’s potential for primary crops. Unlike traditional cover crops, Nuseed’s carinata program rewards growers for harvesting their production under these sustainable practices.
“An advantage with Nuseed Carinata is that we can compensate the farmers for being good stewards of their land,” says Logan Dyer, Nuseed Carinata Commercial Agronomist. “What excites me is that we’re offering a contracted crop to growers in a challenging farming landscape, helping growers maintain their way of life.”
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Logan Dyer | Nuseed Carinata Commercial Agronomist
As a contract crop, Nuseed Carinata is a closed-loop production system. Growers agree to plant a specific number of acres in the fall and sell the harvested grain back to Nuseed in the spring. This partnership offers clear advantages to growers who participate as they receive agronomic support throughout the growing season and income potential beyond other cover crops or regenerative ag programs.
Removing Risk
Since launching the U.S. carinata contracting program in 2022, Nuseed has focused on minimizing growers’ risk and providing local support from contract signing through to final payment. A core feature of the Nuseed Carinata offering is a fixed settlement price for each delivered pound of certified grain, defined upfront in the production contract at the beginning of the season.
“Growers know what they’re going to get,” Arceneaux explains. “This clarity gives them more insight to make informed input choices and puts more control in their hands.”
To further reduce upfront costs, Nuseed has aligned carinata planting expenses with those of other cover crops and includes an “Act of God” clause in the contract. This ensures that if weather prevents a viable crop, growers are not obligated to deliver at spring harvest.
“Everything is less of an impact going in,” says Arceneaux. “It’s less to worry about upfront, you know what you’re getting paid, and if you lose a crop, you’re not on the hook.”
Nuseed also supports growers with freight if they are outside of the region of an elevator or handling facility.
“We are very hands-on,” says Arceneaux. “This is a newer crop to the region. Whether it’s a returning grower with questions, or a new grower signing up, we are here to support.”
Invested in Your Success
Beyond the contract, agronomic practices adapted to each producer’s needs are core to the program. After all, both Nuseed and its contract growers have the common goal of producing a successful carinata crop that delivers certified carinata grain to the value chain.
“Our ability to work and learn with each grower, to tailor advice and production practices to that farm, and to improve our understanding of the crop contributes to an increase in production,” says Dyer. “This brings an increase in farm revenue, biomass, soil health, and ultimately the production of SAF for the market.”
With growing demand for SAF and other bio-based products derived from Nuseed Carinata, the goal is to develop long-term relationships ensuring success at all levels.
“We aren’t just a seed company that’s selling a bag,” said Dyer. “We’re with you every step of the way, because we truly care about the production of that acre, and we care about not only getting that grain off your farm and making sure you are compensated for it, but also ensuring that that your experience with Nuseed makes you want to come back and grow with us.”
The Nuseed team knows there is no sustainability without economic viability.