USDA/RS to hold Hemp Germplasm Laboratory Stakeholder Meeting on September 11, 2024
August 29, 2024
We would like to invite you to the USDA hemp germplasm stakeholder meeting in Geneva, NY on September 11th, 2024. We, Zachary Stansell and Tyler Gordon are scientists at the Plant Genetic Resources Unit in Geneva, NY, which is within the USDA Agricultural Research Service’s National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS). The NPGS holds over 600,000 unique crop accessions that are available to the plant breeders, researchers, and educators.
Our main responsibilities include acquisition, conservation, and evaluation of a genetically diverse hemp germplasm collection and to make those resources available to the scientific community. Since 2021, we’ve curated a large and diverse collection (N~600 accessions) collected from 33 different countries (video overview from 2022). We publish a hemp phenotyping handbook guiding our ongoing characterization efforts covering architectural traits, flowering time/photoperiod sensitivity, secondary metabolites, seed traits (e.g., seed fatty acid and protein content), and fiber quality. This data is publicly available via GRIN Global. Additional objectives include generating breeding and pre-breeding lines, standardization of phenotyping protocols and developing tools to accelerate research (e.g., hemp pollen collection). Read more about our project plan here.
We seek your feedback to guide our efforts and future directions. Discussion topics include germplasm conservation and distribution priorities, phenotypic and genotypic protocols, and developing mapping populations.
This event is free, open to all interested parties, and does not require registration. We will discuss prior and ongoing germplasm conservation and pre-breeding efforts, facilities and field trials, and germplasm conservation and breeding priorities. If you’re interested, please complete this form HERE (this information will not be shared). Feel free to share this invitation.
- 9:00-11:30 AM: (In-person only) Learn about the value of crop diversity and enjoy a walking tour of the collection. Optional review of germplasm field projects at USDA-ARS Wellington Farm (Open Street Maps, Google Maps). This will include a tour of USDA-ARS farm facilities and field research projects. Navigation to Wellington Farm can be somewhat difficult, so Tyler will lead a caravan to the farm at 9:00 AM from the PGRU office (21 Crabapple Dr, Geneva, NY; an approximately 5 minute drive). Zachary Stansell, Tyler Gordon, George Stack.
- A wide-spaced genotyping/phenotyping trial for approximately 450 accessions.
- Small plot trials evaluating key agronomic characteristics.
- Pollen exclusion tent evaluation.
- F2 bi-parental mapping populations.
- 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Lunch on your own in Geneva.
- 1:00 PM – 2:45 PM: Presentation of current germplasm collection, conservation, distribution, phenotyping/genotyping, pre-breeding and breeding projects. 630 W North St, Geneva, NY 14456, Jordan Hall Classroom 210 (Open Street Maps, Google Maps). Hybrid Meeting (Zoom Link). Tentative Updates:
- Zachary Stansell (USDA Curator/Geneticist): Germplasm Conservation, Evaluation, and Distribution
- George Stack (USDA Geneticist): Development of Community Genotyping Platform for Hemp
Dániel Pap (UC-Davis Breeding): Collaborative phenotyping of hemp genetic resources.
Jocelyn Schwartz (Cornell Pathology): Screening diverse germplasm for pathogen resistance
Dongyan Zhao (Breeding Insight/USDA): Application of Breeding Insight tools for phenotyping and genotyping
Gabi Itokazu (USDA ORISE): Pollen control and storage
Wayne Swink: (USDA Physical Science Technician): Development of Fiber Quality Standards
Tyler Gordon (USDA Geneticist/Breeder): Population Development of Priority Hemp Genetic Resources
- 2:45-3:00 PM Coffee Break.
- 3:00-4:30: Stakeholder discussion. Discussion topics include germplasm conservation and distribution priorities, phenotypic and genotypic protocols, developing mapping populations, establishing a Hemp Crop Germplasm Committee. Jordan Hall Classroom 210. (Hybrid, same Zoom link).
- 4:30-5:15 PM: Tour of USDA-ARS seed storage, greenhouses, growth chambers (Cornell AgriTech Campus, In-Person).
In addition to this event, you might be interested in attending:
- Sept 12: Cornell Hemp Grain and Fiber Field Day, Geneva, NY (REGISTRATION LINK $30)
- Sept 13: Cornell Cannabinoid Field Day, Geneva, NY (REGISTRATION LINK $35)
- Sept 14: USDA PGRU Apple and Grape Germplasm Field Day, Geneva, NY (LINK, Free, no registration required)
Tyler Gordon, PhD (
George Stack, PhD (
Zachary Stansell, PhD (
More news from: USDA - ARS (Agricultural Research Service)
Website: Published: August 29, 2024 |