North Dakota, USA
August 28, 2024
The field days will highlight the agronomic, economic and environmental benefits of cover cropping, along with cost-sharing opportunities for farmers and a tour of research plots. (NDSU photo)
Have you ever wondered about the agronomic and environmental benefits of cover cropping? Or have you considered planting cover crops in your operation but are unsure where to start?
North Dakota State University Extension will host cover crops field days at three locations on Sept. 10, 11 and 12. The dates, locations and links to detailed information are:
“These cover crop field days offer farmers a unique opportunity to learn how cover crops affect soil health and about the latest NDSU cover crop research,” says Victor Gomes, NDSU Extension cropping systems specialist at the Dickinson Research Extension Center. “We look forward to connecting with local farmers and answering their questions.”
The field days will begin at 9:30 a.m. local time with registration, coffee and donuts. A series of talks will follow, covering various topics related to cover crops. The sessions will highlight the agronomic, economic and environmental benefits of cover cropping, along with cost-sharing opportunities for farmers and a tour of research plots.
Lunch will be provided and continuing education unit (CEU) credits will be offered. Registration for the field days is encouraged by Sept. 6. To register, email Cristin Heidecker at or call 701-456-1100.
The field days are made possible by the Farmers for Soil Health program.