Are exhibitions still worth it? Yes, and here is why Westrup attends more than 20 exhibitions in 2024
May 3, 2024
Westrups travelling year began in Birmingham, UK, where we attended the LAMMA Show with our trusted partner Tornum Ltd.
Shortly after, we attended the ASTA Flower & Vegetable Expo in the US, an interesting exhibition than showcases a variety of ways to deal with flower- and vegetable seeds.
BIOFACH in Germany, AGRA in Bulgaria and GEAPS Exchange in USA followed in February. Our trade show calendar continued in March at Getis2024 in France and Agritek in Kazakhstan.
But why are we attending all these exhibitions?
What is the take-away?
We enjoy seeing our customers to talk about your businesses, learn about new folks in the industry and meet familiar faces, strengthening our bond and understanding of one another. One valuable take-away for Westrup is the feedback we get both from existing and potential customers.
Further, the exhibitions are an essential way for us to catch up and see what is happening in the seed and grain business. The knowledge we gather from attending the exhibitions is priceless and helps in our daily work – we hear about demands, changes in the industry, technological improvements and much more!
Attending the exhibitions gives us an opportunity to see people we normally only speak to on the phone creating a long lasting partnership.
We attend all these important and relevant exhibitions to stay up to date with what is going on in the seed and grain industry.
Upcoming exhibitions in 2024
Looking ahead we are attending the Saatgutshandelstag in Gernany, ISF in the Netherands, Cerials in the UK in the spring, and many more the rest of the year! Will we see you there?