United Kingdom
March 8, 2024
Company Annnouncement
Chris Guest, Managing Director, announces:
“We are delighted to inform you that over the course of the coming months LS Plant Breeding Ltd will be re-branding to align with our international shareholder as NPZ UK Ltd.
“The main difference for the UK trade will be the new logo and branding, and as the operational business and the team will remain the same, please continue to talk to your usual contact.
“Over the course of this transition we will keep you fully updated with any required changes in terms of contact details/new email addresses and obviously at the point when we will transition our paperwork from LS Plant Breeding Ltd to NPZ UK Ltd.
“This change comes after successfully growing brand awareness in the UK over the course of the past number of years with our successful range of products across the oilseed rape and pulse portfolios. We are now ready for the next step, especially with the next generation of hybrid oilseed rape varieties coming through the pipeline, including the likes of our new OSR variety Maverick.
“Aligning with our parent company brand, allows us to bring the reputation and backing of 126 years of plant breeding in NPZ to our UK customers and gives more transparency to the background of our varieties to the farmer customer.
“We look forward to discussing this with you further in the coming weeks, and we will communicate our plans for the timing of our changes by the end of March – with a plan to be fully rebranded ahead of our attendance, with an enlarged stand, at this year’s key arable event ‘Cereals 2024’ to be held at Bygrave Woods, Newnham Farm, Hertfordshire on 11th and 12th of June.
“Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG (NPZ) are well known throughout the European and Global seed business – and creating a stronger connection with our parent company is important for everybody within the UK seed sector, including internally within our own team and also the UK farmer, and this change is very timely at this next stage of agricultural transition in the UK.”