March 6, 2024
Grains Australia is pleased to announce the successful malting barley accreditation of two barley varieties, Commodus CL and Minotaur.
Commodus CL
Commodus CL was submitted by InterGrain and was accredited as Malting Barley following evaluation by the Malting and Brewing Industry Barley Technical Committee (MBIBTC), under the Grains Australia malting barley accreditation program.
Commodus CL is an imidazolinone tolerant, medium fermentability barley variety. It is intended to be grown in the Mallee environments of South Australia, Victoria and Western Australian grain growing regions. Growers seeking Commodus CL seed are encouraged to contact InterGrain. More information about the variety is also available on the InterGrain website.
Minotaur was submitted by Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) and was accredited as Malting Barley following evaluation by the MBIBTC, under the Grains Australia malting barley accreditation program.
Minotaur is a high fermentability variety and is best suited to medium to high rainfall regions. Growers looking for Minotaur seed are encouraged to contact AGT. More information about the variety is also available on the AGT website.
Accreditation program
As with all previous accreditations, the market will determine the success of these new varieties. Grains Australia’s accreditation program is recognised as the required standard for the determination of all new Australian malting barley varieties.
Megan Sheehy, General Manager Classification for Grains Australia said, “We congratulate InterGrain and AGT and their teams which have worked to bring these new varieties to the marketplace.”
The Accredited Malting Varieties table has been updated to reflect these newly accredited varieties and the status of other varieties under evaluation. The Preferred Varieties table has also been updated.
For information on other barley varieties currently undergoing evaluation read our Malting Barley Evaluation Update.