March 1, 2011
Source: Black Seed Biotechnology Association
The magazine “Problems of Nutrition” publishes results of the first peer-reviewed study of the impact of GMO’s on reproductive ability of mammals in multiple generations.
The article “Assessment of the impact of GMO of plant origin on rat progeny development in 3 generations” by N.V. Tyshko, V.M. Zhminchenko, V.A. Pashorina, K.E. Selyaskin, V.P. Saprykin, N.T. Utembaeva, V.A. Tutelyan
appears in the last issue - Nr. 1, vol. 80, pp. 14-28
The publication presents the results of assessment of impact of genetically modified (GM) maize Liberty Link® on prenatal and postnatal development of progeny of 3 generations of Wistar rats.
A total of 630 adult animals and 2837 pups were used in the experiment. The animals were divided into 5 groups which got the diets with inclusion of maize: the animals of the “experimental” group got the diet with the GM maize, animals of the “control” group – with near isogenic conventional analogue of the GM maize, animals of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd reference groups – conventional varieties of maize «ROSS 144 MV», «ROSS 197 MV», «Dokuchayevskaya 250 MV» respectively. The maize was included in the diet at maximum possible level not violating the balance of basic nutrients.
Analysis of the data obtained during the study did not reveal any impact of GM maize on rat progeny development.
Parallel studies of reproductive toxicity of conventional maize varieties demonstrated absence of specific variety impact on reproductive function, pre- and postnatal development of the progeny, as well as a sufficiently wide range of fluctuations of the studied indices, which correspond to the literature data. The results of the conducted studies can be considered as direct evidence of absence of any negative impact of GM maize Liberty Link® on reproductive function of the experimental animals and on the progeny development.
Unfortunately the magazine does not have it’s web site, therefore we republish the article in agreement with the magazine.
Download full article (.pdf, Russian)... © “Problems of Nutrition”