Nampa, Idaho, USA
February 9, 2011
With the recent decision of the USDA to allow the selling and planting of Genuity® Roundup Ready® alfalfa (RRA), growers will be able to enjoy the ease of weed management with the proven performance of Traffic Tested® America’s Alfalfa varieties.
“We are now able to offer Roundup Ready® Alfalfa in dormancies to cover the country,” says Dwight Tuttle, National Brand Manager for America’s Alfalfa. “America’s Alfalfa is the only brand offering dormant and non-dormant Traffic Tested® Genuity® Roundup Ready® varieties. Traffic Tested varieties are bred to yield under the pressures of wheel and grazing traffic. Now with Roundup® herbicide tolerance, growers have a new tool to help increase yield potential and simplify weed management. Farmers will get the most production possible in their areas thanks to Roundup Ready® varieties ranging from 3 to 8 fall dormancies.
“AmeriStand 405T RR has characteristics similar to the popular AmeriStand 407TQ variety,” says Tuttle. “We are also offering Alfagraze 300 RR and Alfagraze 600 RR, which are bred from the original dual purpose Alfagraze variety. All our Roundup Ready® seed has been stored under ideal conditions and will test at 88 percent germination or better. America’s Alfalfa only offers high-quality seed and our Roundup Ready® seeds meet or exceed those high standards.”
These Traffic Tested® varieties are now available from local dealers:
Dormant varieties
Alfagraze 300 RR
Alfagraze 300RR is the first Traffic Tested® RRA variety specifically bred to perform under the constant pounding of grazing animals. It has an excellent winter survival rating of 2.5 and a fall dormancy of 3. Alfagraze 300RR is a dual-performance variety for haying or grazing and it has a full line-up of disease resistance for long stand life.
AmeriStand 405T RR
Excellent for 4 to 5 cuts per season, AmeriStand 405T RR is the original Traffic Tested® RRA variety. Featuring a winterhardiness rating of 2 and a fall dormancy of 4, it offers enhanced forage quality across most of the U.S. Along with Traffic Tested® genetics, it also has patented manure tolerance, making it the natural choice in your nutrient management plans. AmeriStand 405T RR boasts a high resistance to seven yield robbing pests including Phytophthora root rot, Aphynomyces root rot (Race 1), root knot nematode and stem nematodes.
Alfagraze 600 RR
Alfagraze 600 RR combines top yields with good disease resistance for long stand life. The Traffic Tested® genetics allow this variety to thrive in grazing systems because of its large, deep crowns and an abundance of leafy stems with fast recovery. A semi-dormant 6 variety, Alfagraze 600 RR is highly resistant to Fusarium wilt, root knot nematode and southern root knot nematode.
Non-dormant varieties
AmeriStand 815T RR
AmeriStand 815T RR is the first non-dormant RRA variety with the Traffic Tested® advantage. It has great yield and withstands aggressive harvest schedules with excellent persistence for long rotations. This variety is moderately salt tolerant, which preserves yields in high saline areas. This non-dormant variety has a fall dormancy of 7.5 and is resistant to numerous pests and diseases. AmeriStand 815T RR has a high resistance to Phytophthora root rot. It is resistant to anthracnose (Race 1), bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, root knot nematode, stem nematode, and spotted alfalfa aphids.
AmeriStand 855T RR
AmeriStand 855T RR has demonstrated excellent yield and persistence in California trials. With it’s extra leafy, dark green stands, this Traffic Tested® variety produces high relative feed values. In research trials it has produced exceptional forage quality. This non-dormant variety has an 8.5 fall dormancy rating. AmeriStand 855T RR is highly resistant to Phytophthora root rot and spotted alfalfa aphid. It is resistant to anthracnose (Race 1), bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, stem nematode and root knot nematode.
America’s Alfalfa is the only national brand offering dormant and non-dormant Traffic Tested® Genuity® Roundup Ready® alfalfa seed varieties. America’s Alfalfa® offers proven Traffic Tested® varieties that outperform other brands over the life of the alfalfa stand. The AmeriStand varieties are named for their ability to withstand traffic from grazing, equipment and even manure applications. Selected for their yield and quality characteristics over the past 50 years, America’s Alfalfa® varieties produce persistent, agronomically-sound, winterhardy and disease resistant alfalfa in your fields. America’s Alfalfa is bred to yield under pressure.
America’s Alfalfa has also developed other proprietary innovations; and its varieties are named for their ability to stand up to the forces of wheel traffic, weather, disease, pests, grazing and manure applications.