Woburn, Massachusetts, USA
November 10, 2022
- Advancing development of herbicide tolerant Camelina
- Building commercial seed inventory available to growers in 2023 and beyond
Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. (Nasdaq:YTEN) (“Yield10” or the “Company”), an agricultural bioscience company, today announced that the Company has begun its winter 2022/2023 field test and seed production program for Camelina at sites in the United States, Canada, Argentina and Chile.
Program Highlights
Yield10’s winter 2022/2023 field test program, which is being conducted at more than 20 sites, is intended to evaluate several varieties of elite Camelina by collecting data on agronomical performance, seed yield, oil content, and herbicide tolerance, where applicable.
Herbicide Tolerance: Yield10 is conducting contra-season field tests of candidate herbicide tolerance traits in Camelina. Building on encouraging, initial results generated in spring 2022, Yield10 is advancing the development of spring Camelina with tolerance to over-the-top herbicide used for broadleaf weed control. Yield10 has selected potential commercial events of Camelina lines displaying herbicide tolerance and will evaluate field performance and conduct seed scale-up activities for producing seed for larger field tests planned for spring 2023.
Agronomy Trials: Yield10 will conduct agronomy trials of winter Camelina varieties as part of a program to develop standardized protocols to achieve the best germination, stand establishment and yields. As part of this program, the Company is evaluating the winter hardiness of its Camelina varieties WDH2 and WDH3 as compared to winter wheat in various geographies.
Commercial Seed Production: Yield10 has contracted with growers to plant Camelina varieties E3902 (spring, high oil), WDH3 (winter, early maturing) and WDH2 (winter, cold tolerant) to produce commercial seed. This activity is intended to increase commercial inventory of Camelina seed available for growers’ contracts for future planting of Camelina used to produce low-carbon intensity feedstock oil for the biofuel market and high-protein meal for the animal feed market.
Demonstration Fields: As part of its market development efforts, Yield10 has planted winter Camelina in fields suitable for hosting grower events in 2023.
“Our goal is to develop industry-leading, high-performing elite winter and spring Camelina varieties that offer the grower new opportunities for crop diversification as well as important sustainability benefits,” said Kristi Snell, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer of Yield10 Bioscience. “Our field tests, which are designed to evaluate herbicide tolerance in Camelina, and our related seed scale-up activities are key elements of our winter 2022-2023 field program.”
“Our commercial seed production activities currently underway in the U.S. and Canada are expected to provide us with winter Camelina seed inventory to enable ramping up grower engagement and securing grower contracts in 2023 and beyond,” said Darren Greenfield, Senior Director, Seed Operations of Yield10 Oilseeds. “Over the last several months, we have also secured contra-season seed production capabilities in Chile for production of spring Camelina. Availability of this seed is intended to support planting in spring 2023.”