Ames, Iowa, USA
January 24, 2011
Source: Integrated Cro Management NEWS
By Daren Mueller, Department of Plant Pathology
A new publication from Iowa State University and the Iowa Soybean Association is designed to help farmers more effectively manage soybean diseases when they appear.
The publication, “Soybean Diseases” (CSI 0004), is a comprehensive compilation of soybean disease and management information. The 36-page guide includes information on 24 soybean diseases and features an overview of the major causes of plant disease; several photos of each disease; a glossary; and quick visual cues indicating which diseases are seed-transmitted.
Copies can be ordered online free of charge through the ISU Extension Online Store at Shipping will be covered by ISU Extension.
This is the first complete publication on soybean diseases Iowa State has produced. Iowa State has created other issue-specific publications, but this is the first to put all that information in one place. The new publication was developed to mesh with existing scouting resources.
The new publication offers more detailed disease information and outlines management options once the disease is identified using the scounting field guide.
The publication was written by Daren Mueller and ISU Extension colleagues Alison Robertson, plant pathologist; Greg Tylka, nematologist; and Adam Sisson with the ISU Corn and Soybean Initiative. Funding was supplied by the Iowa soybean checkoff, ISA and ISU Extension.
Daren Mueller is an extension specialist with responsibilities in the Corn and Soybean Initiative and ISU's IPM program. Mueller can be reached at (515) 460-8000 or by email at