United Kingdom
May 13, 2022
Two more winter oilseed rape varieties from LS Plant Breeding (LSPB) containing the new RlmS phoma resistance gene will be available for this season’s drilling.
Murray and Vegas are both on the AHDB candidates list for recommendation this autumn with private and official trials results highlighting their great promise.
They are very high yielding with exceptional RlmS Phoma resistance, good Light Leaf spot scores, mid-maturity and are very vigorous – particularly in the spring.
They join Respect and Flemming which already have AHDB Recommendation for the E/W region in 2022/23. The novel RlmS resistance is also part of their strong all-round agronomic package, with Flemming offering Turnip Yellows Virus (TuYV) resistance in addition.
“The RlmS gene should give long-term and sustainable phoma control and offer an alternative to the existing Rlm7 gene, which is widely found in current oilseed rape varieties,” notes Chris Guest, LSPB Managing Director.
“I would stress that the Rlm7 gene remains effective in the UK. But the gene has started to break down in France, with similar reports now appearing in the UK, so the new source of resistance marks an important development for continued genetic protection in the fight against phoma.”