Halsey, Oregon, USA
March 2, 2022
DLF is pleased to announce that it has acquired the assets of OreGro Seeds, a forage, cover crop, and turfgrass breeding company located in Albany, Oregon. OreGro’s proprietary cool-season forage grass, forage legume, turfgrass, cover crop, and small grain varieties are now offered exclusively through DLF and its distribution partners in the U.S. and abroad.
“This investment not only complements our expansive global research and product portfolio, but also adds significant operational capacity and staff to support customers,” said Claus Ikjaer, CEO for DLF Pickseed USA. “This is a strategic development to bolster our seed innovation, service, and support.”
The acquisition includes three warehouse facilities totaling 75,000 square feet, equipped with blending and packaging capabilities. The company will also incorporate the research activities of OreGro into its North American and global research platform. Additionally, DLF has welcomed twenty of OreGro’s former employees to the DLF family.
“These new team members and infrastructure will help ensure a seamless transition for OreGro partners and position our customers for future growth,” said Ikjaer. “It’s also very exciting to have the opportunity to further invest in the Willamette Valley seed industry.”
The Willamette Valley in Oregon is the world’s top producer of cool-season forage and turfgrass seed and home to DLF Pickseed USA. Roughly 11 percent of the company’s over-2,000 global employees are involved in research.
About DLF
DLF was founded in 1906 and is the global market leader in the research, development, production, and distribution of turfgrass and forage crop seed. DLF is owned by 3,000 Danish seed growers and has subsidiaries or sales offices in 22 countries around the world. Information on DLF’s North American operations can be found at www.dlfpickseed.com.
DLF opkøber amerikansk frøfirma
DLF har opkøbt den amerikanske frøvirksomhed OreGro Seeds Inc., der har base i Albany, Oregon, USA - det største frøproduktionsområde i verden.
DLF har i forvejen en stærk position i Nordamerika, og som virksomheden tidligere har meldt ud, er det nordamerikanske marked et vigtigt indsatsområde for vækst.
Derfor flugter opkøbet af OreGro Seeds fint med DLFs strategi i Nordamerika, forklarer administrerende direktør i DLF, Truels Damsgaard.
-OreGro Seeds er en frøvirksomhed med forædling, frøproduktion og salg af frø til foderafgrøder, dækafgrøder og plænegræs. Virksomhedens er placeret i Albany, Oregon, hvor DLF allerede er etableret med forædling, frøproduktion og afsætning.
Vores opkøb af OreGro Seeds med deres portefølje af fodergræs, dækafgrøder og plænegræsstyrker styrker vores værdikæde på det nordamerikanske marked, siger Truels Damsgaard.
- OreGro Seeds har blandings- og pakkefaciliteter på i alt 7.000 m² i Oregon
- Med opkøbet får DLF en større kapacitet til at supportere sine amerikanske kunder
- OreGro Seeds bidrager med en tilgang på 20 nye medardejdere i DLF
- OreGro Seed har hjemme i Willamette Valley i Oregon