Sakata United Kingdom field Open Days were held October 13 and 14 in Lincolnshire
United Kingdom
November 2021
The Sakata UK field Open Days are run and organised by the local Sakata team and take place on our site in Lincolnshire in the UK. They run over two days, always in week 41, this year the 13th & 14th October, Sakata UK are one of 7 seeds houses that have their field Open Days in this area in Lincolnshire.
The event is an important date on the calendar and allows us the opportunity to meet and greet our customers who are made up of: growers, processors, distributors, retailers and agronomists.
This year we had 127 attendees over the two days, which is less than in the previous years but still a good attendance. This year we focussed on Cauliflower, Broccoli, Pumpkin and Squash. The broccoli, varieties Parthenon F1& Leonidas F1, were grown in large areas to enable the automatic broccoli harvester from the company RoboVeg to run demos.
Our pumpkins and squash and butternut Mieluna F1 were promoted outside as well as inside on our display and we had a lot of interest in these items.