New Zealand
14 July 2021
Tēnā koutou,
Following the introduction of the Plant Variety Rights Bill to Parliament, consultation has today opened on new regulations to support the new regime. The proposed regulations mostly address procedural issues relating to matters such as applications for, and examination of, proposed new varieties; time limits for paying fees, and providing information and propagating material; compulsory licences; and hearings.
The consultation document also seeks feedback on the proposed list of ‘non-indigenous species of significance’, which will also be placed in regulations. PVR applications in relation to any species from this list will be considered by the Māori Plant Varieties Committee.
You can access the consultation document and the submissions template to make a submission on the MBIE website:
Plant Variety Rights Act 1987 Review: Proposed Regulations
Consultation ends at 5pm on 25 August 2021.
We’re also looking at holding an online hui to discuss the proposed list of non-indigenous species of significance, if there is interest in this. Please register your interest below if you would like the opportunity to discuss this and we will be in touch with a proposed date.
Register your interest
In the meantime, if you have any questions you can contact our team by emailing
Ngā mihi nui
The PVR Act Review team