Valence, France
July 13, 2021
From 6 to 8 July, HM.CLAUSE and HAZERA, two leading vegetable seed companies, have organized in Spain (Murcia) a private and unique event especially focusing on melon and watermelon fresh chain solutions.
HM.CLAUSE and HAZERA are business units of Limagrain, an international agricultural co-operative group specializing in field seeds, cereal products, and vegetable seeds. As the world’s leading vegetable seed company, Limagrain stands alone as the only non-chemical company with a goal to cooperate for the progress of agriculture everywhere, for everyone.
HM.CLAUSE mission is to deliver vegetable seeds adapted to individual agricultural challenges, by creating and offering high quality vegetable seeds tailored to local environments and customers. Its commitments extend throughout its stakeholder’s value chain from growers and processors, to consumers and the environment at large.
During this event, HM.CLAUSE product experts exchanged with European retail players. “Our role is to facilitate the growth of the fresh chain business players while offering a great tasting experience through an assortment of melons developed for every tastebud” explains Manuel Ferrer – EMEA Food Chain Manager.
HM.CLAUSE product line-up, strong market presence, and attention to consumer and local culinary trends enable it to drive the future of this crop. Its most innovative melon varieties have improved product performance and consistency, a longer shelf life, and feature industry-leading eating quality, this across Europe and in different typologies and markets.
“In LSL Charentais, the KARMAN range with its newcomers CHAMAN (early Murcia season) and URKAN (main European season) garnered significant interest from the visitors by combining attractive externals and a high internal quality for LSL cantaloupe” explains Philippe Mention Orange Flesh Melon Product Manager. Also, as a specialty, the SAPHIR family is a unique premium range for melon lovers and gourmet markets. Thanks to its outstanding eating experience it amazed all visitors!
“HM.CLAUSE is also building a very competitive Yellow Canaria range combining agronomic performances, qualitative fruits and shipping ability, like the new MIRLO (Spain main season) and JABIRU (COSTA RICA, counter season), while ATOS is an original premium variety” specifies Ronan Le Delliou Melon Product Manager. Also, the mini Piel de Sapo MINIMEL is particularly adapted to new consumption habits mainly in Northern and Central Europe and was a cornerstone of the event thanks to its true mini size, delightful flavor, and shipping ability.
More than ever, HM.CLAUSE commitment is to help each chain player to face today’s market challenges, whether for packing, shipping, storage, processing, and especially for offering flesh quality and superior taste to consumers.