The Philippines
June 11, 2021
Researchers from the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice) iterate that 40kg of high-quality rice seeds are sufficient to plant a 1-ha field.
Studies show that most farmers in the country use 80-160kg of rice seeds per hectare thinking that sowing more seeds results in high yield.
“We recommend 20-40kg only for transplanted rice (TPR) and 60-80kg for direct wet seeded rice (DWSR),” Marvin Manalang, senior science research specialist, said in a recent PalayAralan session aired through the Institute’s Facebook page.
He explained that a kilogram of rice seeds has 45,000 grains, therefore, 40kg have 1.8M grains. At 85% germination rate, more than 1.5M seedlings will be produced from these grains.
“If a farmer transplants at a 20cm x 20cm distance, there will be 250,000 hills in a hectare. At three seedlings transplanted per hill, a hectare would require 750,000 seedlings. This is half the seeds that germinated,” he explained.
Manalang stressed that for TPR, the right number of high-quality seeds with proper seedbed establishment, correct seedling density and spacing, replanted missing hills, and good seedling health status will result in the production of sufficient healthy seedlings.
He added that for DWSR, proper land preparation, pest management, and proper sowing of pre-germinated seeds will also result in healthy seedlings.
“If sufficient healthy seedlings are planted, it will lead to high yield, high grain quality, high profit, and minimal damage to the environment,” Manalang emphasized.
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