Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
March 1, 2021
Raven Industries (NASDAQ:RAVN) has joined BASF and AGCO as the newest Operation Weed Eradication coalition member to support farmers in their weed control efforts. Operation Weed Eradication is an industry-wide mission to enlist tough-minded farmers and industry leaders to take the approach that the last weed standing is the strongest, most capable and most genetically resistant weed on the farm.
Raven Applied Technology delivers impactful technology to farmers and custom applicators around the world. Deeply committed to feeding a growing world population, Raven develops precision agriculture products that promote environmental stewardship, allowing farmers to grow more with less.
“Raven is committed to raising the bar to improve farm productivity,” said Dominic Walkes, Raven Applied Technology Director of Strategic Initiatives. “For more than 40 years, Raven has been leading the way in sprayer efficacy, and our participation in the Operation Weed Eradication coalition reflects our ongoing commitment to helping growers improve yields and solve challenges for their ag operations.”
Operation Weed Eradication takes a balanced approach of utilizing cultural practices such as tillage and cover crops, chemical control such as layering residuals and using herbicides with multiple sites of action, and eradication diligence such as managing weeds around field edges to help growers eradicate Palmer amaranth and waterhemp from their fields.
“As we continue to build upon the efforts to drive an eradication mindset toward on-farm pigweed, the Operation Weed Eradication coalition welcomes the opportunity to add Raven as a coalition member, which will only make this industry-wide initiative stronger,” said Nick Fassler, BASF Technical Marketing Group Manager. “Palmer amaranth and waterhemp are incredibly difficult weeds to control, so it is imperative that we continue to work with farmers and others in the industry to combat these weeds using multiple approaches.”
AGCO, a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural equipment, was the first company to join the Operation Weed Eradication coalition.
“We are excited to have Raven join the Operation Weed Eradication coalition,” said David Webster, AGCO Director of Marketing for Applied Equipment. “Adding industry partners to the coalition continues to drive the initiative to eliminate these hard to control weed species. Our technology and systems, available through AGCO’s RoGator and TerraGator platforms are geared to give farmers, retailers, and professional applicators the agronomic advantage,”
More information on this industry wide initiative can be found at