February 18, 2021
The Board of Barley Australia has met to consider the recommendations from the Malting and Brewing Industry Barley Technical Committee (MBIBTC) for the various varieties currently under evaluation. A summary of results is provided below:
Varieties Withdrawn from Evaluation
The following variety has been withdrawn by the relevant promoter and will no longer progress through the evaluation process:
Varieties Undergoing Stage Two Evaluation
Buff (IGB1506): Insufficient grain was available for evaluation in 2020 and will now continue Stage Two evaluation in 2021.
Varieties Undergoing Stage One Evaluation
Bottler (HV 16): Further parcels of grain were pilot malted, as planned, to satisfy the requirements for Stage One. Bottler has successfully completed Stage One evaluation and can now proceed into Stage Two commercial evaluation trials in 2021.
Kiwi (02035-160): Further parcels of grain were pilot malted, as planned, to satisfy the requirements for Stage One. Kiwi has now successfully completed Stage One evaluation and can now proceed into Stage Two commercial evaluation trials in 2021.
Laperouse (WI4952): Insufficient grain was available to complete evaluation in 2020 and will now continue Stage One evaluation in 2021.
AGTB0043: Further evaluation in Stage One has been carried over into 2021.
Varieties entering into Stage One Evaluation
Beast (AGTB0113): This variety has sufficient grain available to commence Stage One evaluation during 2021.
IGB1825: This variety has sufficient grain available to commence Stage One evaluation during 2021.
Varieties accepted into Accreditation Program
Barley Australia has accepted applications for four new varieties for malting barley evaluation. Commodus CL (IGB1908T) from InterGrain; and AGTB0200, AGTB0201 and AGTB0213 from Australian Grain Technologies (AGT), have been accepted into Stage 0. These varieties cover a range of adaptations and quality attributes, and Commodus is an addition to the suite of imidazolinone barley varieties available to growers.
Sufficient grain parcels of Commodus CL, AGTB0200, AGTB0201 and AGTB0213 are available for commencement of Stage One evaluation in 2021 and will be confirmed when final programming for the year is completed in the coming weeks.