July 20, 2020
Grasses have a wide range of uses - for example as forage or lawn grass.
When it comes to quality turf, Deutsche Saatveredelung AG has an excellent selection of products. In the DSV breeding station in Asendorf (near Bremen), in addition to agricultural species, lawn grasses are bread and cultivated on an area of 200 ha. Different requirements for lawn and forage grasses do base on the respective uses and differ significantly from one another.
In the field of fodder plants, the aim is to maintain plants that are as broad-leaved and fast growing as possible. They ensure a high mass yield and therefore sufficient feed. In addition, the ingredients are important because they serve as a feed base for the cattle.
Other characteristics are required for lawn grasses. With these grasses, a low mass yield and slow growth are crucial because this means that the lawnmower use is rare. The feature of the turf grass depend on the purpose for which it is used. Ornamental turf should contain very fine-leaved plants in order to achieve the desired fine, very dense appearance. Sports turf, on the other hand, has to be hardwearing and have a good ability to regenerate so that the damage caused, for example, by the cleats on the soccer shoe can quickly heal and any gaps created can be closed. The appearance plays a subordinate role here. Cut compatibility is very important for lawn grass use at golf courses that in particular cut very frequent and quite low.
This trait is gaining extra importance for private users, as robotic lawnmowers are more and more in use to mow lawns. Those mowers clip the lawn with a very high frequent of up to every day. In this case, high-quality lawn mixtures with cut-compatible varieties with low mass growth are to use. The regional DSV sales consultant will be happy to advise you on mixtures and varieties that have these traits.