United Kingdom
April 22, 2020
Emerger can now be used for post-emergence weed control in selected field vegetables after we secured authorisations from the Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD).
These new extensions of authorisations for minor use (EAMUs) for root vegetables, stem vegetables and alliums will be a welcome addition to many growers’ integrated pest management strategies. Applications were made to CRD following successful testing in our SCEPTREplus post-emergence weed control trials on ten different field vegetable crops.
Previously, Emerger was limited to pre-emergence applications in root crops and there have been no post-planting contact herbicides approved for use in vegetables, such as celery and celeriac.
The cost of hand-weeding is not only very high, but with the lack of availability of seasonal workers compounded this year by the coronavirus, it has been made even harder this year. These approvals should provide growers with a more economical option to control weeds.
Bolette Palle Neve, Crop Protection Senior Scientist at AHDB, said: “With its strong activity against many important weed types, including polygonum and Chenopodium species, brassica weeds and grassweeds (from seed), having the option to apply Emerger as a post-emergence spray up until two true leaves will greatly enhance weed-control programmes.”
Emerger is marketed by Bayer and the applications were made with their support. A separate application for use in herbs is also being considered by CRD and is expected later.
Claire Matthewman, Campaign Manager for Horticulture, Bayer, said, “EAMUs are an essential means of ensuring growers have access to plant protection products. AHDB is again to be applauded for these authorisations. Growers of stem vegetables and alliums have lacked post-emergence control options for some time and for them this news is especially welcome.
“Being able to control late-germinating brassica weeds has become increasingly important as growers seek to limit reservoirs for virus. Post-emergence use of Emerger will help support this ambition.”
Emerger is a diphenyl-ether herbicide containing aclonifen.
For further information how Emerger performed in our SCEPTREplus trials, please read our trial summary reports: ahdb.org.uk/sceptreplus
Download the authorisation for carrots and root crops
Download the authorisation for garlic, shallot and onion
Download the authorisation for celery, leek and salad onion