Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
October 7, 2010
Initial 2010 yield data for Dow AgroSciences SmartStax™ hybrids is rolling in, and the results validate the positive performance of SmartStax.
“Dow AgroSciences believes the best way to evaluate the performance of the SmartStax trait technology is to compare it with other trait technologies in the same base genetics. We compared SmartStax with Herculex® XTRA Insect Protection trait versions, and the results are positive,” says Casey Onstot, traits marketing manager, Dow AgroSciences. “We are pleased with the yield of Dow AgroSciences SmartStax hybrids in these initial comparisons.”
Preliminary Dow AgroSciences data from nearly 10 percent of its U.S. Corn Belt replicated trials shows that SmartStax™ is delivering higher whole-farm yield potential to growers. This plot data includes multiple hybrids, variable environmental conditions and geographic locations, and variable insect pressure. These replicated field trials capture head-to-head comparisons of product performance and show no negative impact of the SmartStax trait on yield.
“In fact, growers have the opportunity to achieve higher whole-farm yield potential even if SmartStax hybrids yield equal to first-generation trait versions, because they can plant more acres to hybrids with the trait,” Onstot says. “With the refuge reduction offered by SmartStax, it will be the best option for growers to realize higher whole-farm yield potential on their operations.”
Additional performance summaries will be available post-harvest.
With SmartStax, growers in the Corn Belt are able to reduce their refuge from the traditional 20 percent down to 5 percent, enabling them to plant 95 percent of their acres to SmartStax™.*
All Dow AgroSciences affiliate seed companies will again offer SmartStax as part of their 2011 product lineup. These include Brodbeck Seeds, Dairyland Seed, Hyland Seeds, Mycogen Seeds, Pfister Seeds, Renze Seeds and Triumph Seed.
* In cotton-growing regions, refuge is reduced from 50 percent to 20 percent.
SmartStax™ multi-event technology developed by Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto.
®Herculex is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
Herculex Insect Protection by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred.
®SmartStax is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. Always follow grain marketing and IRM requirements and pesticide label directions. B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Contact your seed representative for the registration status in your state.