July 10, 2019
There are many different lawn blends in the market and usually the composition of a mixture is functional. Different species occur as a main component in a mixture depending on the requirements of the lawn.
For sports lawns, one needs very robust and resilient species and varieties. For ornamental lawns and golf greens fine-leaved species are preferred. Lawns used in parks or at home consist of robust as well as fine varieties. However, there is always a mix of different types of grasses and different varieties. In general, good lawn mixtures base on proven grass species and special high-qualified turf varieties.
How do you recognize quality?
In Europe, there are different turf lists on which tested varieties can be found.
The basis for these lists is always an intensive examination of the individual variety for its suitability as turf grass. As these lists are compile in different countries, they also reflect the variety performance of the tested region (climate). The most relevant and common used lists are the BSPB list also known as Bingly list, the French Turfgrass list, the Grasgids from the Netherlands and the German RSM list as well as the Scandinavian Scanturf list.
To use varieties from these lists is the basis to create a high-quality mixture because you can be sure that the varieties are independent tested for their suitability and qualification as turf grass.
DSV is present on all these lists with a large number of highly ranked varieties. Our sales team will be pleased to advise you on questions concerning the quality of the variety and its suitability as well as the technical quality of the seed as this is another important deal-breaker if talking about quality mixtures.
Optimally harmonised compositions are to find in the branded mix programme EUROGRASS EG Pro for professional use as well as in EUROGRASS EG DIY for the Do-It-Yourself market.