Indianapolis, Indiana and Grand Junction, Coorado, USA
September 2, 2010
Dow AgroSciences LLC announced today it is acquiring the assets of the Colorado based seed company Grand Valley Hybrids. The addition of Grand Valley complements Dow AgroSciences’ Mycogen Seeds brand and its western U.S. silage business.
“Grand Valley’s strong presence in the silage market and brand recognition in the West will provide a significant opportunity to expand our silage business,” said Chris Garvey, Mycogen Seeds General Manager. “Grand Valley’s combination of outstanding customer service and commitment to innovation and quality complements our strategy to build a world-class seeds business.”
Under the terms of the agreement, Dow AgroSciences will acquire the Grand Valley sales and marketing areas, as well as the administrative services of the business. For the 2010-11 season, Grand Valley will continue to operate under the Grand Valley brand, and customer service will remain at its existing location in Grand Junction. Grand Valley customers will gain access to Dow AgroSciences technologies including Silage-Specific™ BMR and TMF corn hybrids, in addition to the technologies they already have access to today – SmartStax™ and HERCULEX® Insect Protection.
“Since 1946 Grand Valley Hybrids has been an advocate for the Western farmer, feeder and dairyman,” said Mark Harris, vice president of Grand Valley Hybrids. “The importance of Grand Valley Hybrids’ Western hybrid performance, agronomic expertise and customer relationships have been recognized by Dow AgroSciences. Their commitment to growing our mutual business based upon what works in the West is good for our customers now and in the future. We are excited about adding a wider selection of germplasm, traits and technical expertise that build upon what we and our customers have learned over the last 65 years.”
Going forward, Alan Ferris, current president of Grand Valley, will continue to be involved with the business and will serve as a consultant to Grand Valley Hybrids and Mycogen Seeds to ensure a smooth transition and integration. Mark Harris, current vice president of Grand Valley, has been named commercial and business integration manager.
Harris added, “Dow AgroSciences values our customers as much as we do, and we look forward to being a trusted and valuable part of Western agriculture for years to come. We look forward to this partnership, and Alan and I speak for all of us at Grand Valley Hybrids and Dow AgroSciences when we say that we will continue doing what we do best – putting the right hybrid, with the right traits, at the right time – on our customers’ farms.”
Grand Valley Hybrids has been growing and conditioning hybrid seed corn in the West since 1946. Grand Valley runs an independent research and testing program dedicated to the development of hybrids specifically adapted to the Western U.S. Grand Valley currently markets corn hybrids, alfalfa seed, forage sorghums, sudan grasses and silage and alfalfa inoculants in the 12 Western states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.
Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is a top-tier agricultural company providing innovative agrochemical and biotechnology solutions globally. The company, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, has sales of $4.5 billion.
SmartStaxTM multi-event technology developed by Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto.
HERCULEX is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC
Herculex® Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred
™SILAGE-SPECIFIC is a trademark of Mycogen Corporation
™SmartStax is a trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. Always follow grain marketing and IRM requirements and pesticide label directions. B.t. products may not be registered in all states. Check with your seed representative for the registration status in your state.