United Kingdom
September 3, 2018
“Our large blue combining pea varieties Bluetime and Blueman head up the provisional 2018 RL yield results posted by PGRO,” comments Theo Labuda, Managing Director of LSPB (LS Plant Breeders Ltd). “These two varieties have widened the yield gap over the other large blue peas in RL trials for what has been a challenging season.”
Mr Labuda stressed that these were provisional results as posted on the PGRO web site. However, Bluetime and partner variety Blueman look set to have a 8% and 3% yield advantage respectively over the long-time standard Prophet, while all other large blues yielded less than Prophet’s 100% control yield.
He also noted that, although disease scores are not yet posted, in 2017 Blueman had a highest possible ‘9’ rating for downy mildew.
“Our other large blue Campus left the Recommended List last year. But the trade and the marketplace have a different view, with the areas entered for seed for next spring showing Campus as the second most popular large blue variety. As important, it has an excellent reputation with end users, such as micronizers. Also Campus is popular with growers due to its standing power and harvestability. So we firmly believe trade commitment and grower demand will continue to drive its commercial success.
“Turning to marrowfats, there are only two varieties in current RL trials and our variety, Aikido, looks to maintain its first position just above the second variety yieldwise, and it is noteworthy that in previous years it had a better standing power,” adds Mr Labuda.