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June 5, 2024

Maximising ‘daughter tillers’ gives grassland managers the best route to a resilient sward this summer, advises grass-seed experts Barenbrug UK 

March 6, 2024

Deutschland - Probleme mit resistenten Weidelgräsern können vermieden werden

July 7, 2023

Special coating reduces the need for fertilizers - Coatings and microorganisms transforming nitrogen efficiency in crop production

June 8, 2023

Overseeding with white clover increases the value of pastures

May 3, 2022

Klaver en luzerne zijn echte alleskunners (Melkvee)

April 29, 2022

TEAGASC: Why clover is a win-win for both the farmer and the environment (The Southern Star)

March 7, 2022

Fungicide combo against devastating red clover disease

February 16, 2022

United Kingdom - There's never been a better time to get more out of clover

September 29, 2021

Clover growth in Mars-like soils boosted by bacterial symbiosis - Benefits of nitrogen-fixing bacteria could aid efforts towards farming soils on Mars

June 21, 2021

How to assess the clover content of your pastures

April 2, 2020

Cover Crop Corner: Using berseem clover to improve alfalfa production - ncrease hay quality through the synergistic relationship between berseem clover and alfalfa

June 10, 2019

Clover variety with uber nitrogen fixation turns some heads (Illinois Farmer Today)

January 6, 2019

Red Clover innovation for Wales - New research to ensure more Welsh livestock farmers could benefit from longer lasting, disease resistant red clovers is being undertaken at Aberystwyth University

May 31, 2018

Utilizing clovers to improve feed quality of pastures

January 19, 2018

Winter is the perfect time to frost seed your pasture! - Watch Grassland Oregon's latest YouTube video to learn more

January 17, 2018

Grassland Oregon's cold tolerant berseem clover gives producers frost seeding option - Frosty Berseem Clover can survive temperatures as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit with zero snow cover  

August 23, 2016

Un nouveau dossier technique céréales immatures à télécharger sur le site de Caussade Semences

February 25, 2016

Capturing the true value of white clover

November 22, 2015

Australia - Delving to root of sub clover losses (Stock Journal)

July 24, 2015

FIXatioN balansa clover, from Grassland Oregon, offers soy farmers a second chance

May 20, 2015

SucraSEED high sugar mixes from Grassland Oregon now even better for livestock, the environment, and pollinators

January 28, 2015

France - Herbe-book, la base de données qui vous dit tout sur les variétés fourragères

December 10, 2012

Irish wasp more than match for clover root weevil

November 15, 2012

Studie zu Pilzerkrankung bei Rotklee: Welche Sorten haben größtes Resistenzpotenzial?

July 25, 2012

Yield-boosting microbial technology now available in forages

May 10, 2012

AgResearch team finds missing link - Experimental evidence for the ancestry of allotetraploid Trifolium repens and creation of synthetic forms with value for plant breeding

June 29, 2011

www.herbe-book.org, le site de référence pour connaître les variétés fourragères

June 9, 2011

GM boost for white clover in Australia (Weekly Times Now)

October 4, 2010

Coated clover seed must be planted at higher rates than uncoated - Clover and rhizobia bacteria form a kind of 'green' partnership

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