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GrowApp: make an animation of climate change in your backyard
Nieuwe app brengt ontwikkeling lente in ‘achtertuin’ in beeld

Wageningen, The Netherlands
March 20, 2017

Photo: Vincent Koperdraat

The newly launched GrowApp allows people to make animations of trees, gardens and landscapes by taking pictures with their smartphone. The app directly transforms these pictures in a time lapse movie that shows changes over the seasons and even over the years. While having fun making an animation of their backyard, users help scientists better understand climate change impact on the environment.



The start and duration of the growing season in Europe has significantly been influenced by the increase of European temperature by 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels. This conclusion can be drawn based on the analysis of hundreds of thousands of observations of flowering, leaf unfolding and leaf colouring done by volunteers from all over Europe. The flowering of 17 spring plants in Europe, for example, advanced with two weeks on average since 1982. In addition to these so-called phenological observations satellites track changes in the greenness of the land cover. However, up till now it remains a challenge to link field observations with satellite observations. Ideally the process of leaf unfolding, leaf colouring and leaf fall of individual species is continuously observed. This is very time consuming for most volunteers who therefore only record the date of first leaf unfolding or end of leaf colouring.

Screenshot website www.growapp.today

Screenshot website www.growapp.today

Visualize seasonal changes

The GrowApp (www.growapp.today) provides a new opportunity to easily follow the seasonal changes of individual plants, trees, gardens and even whole landscapes over weeks, months or even years. People are encouraged to frequently make photos with the GrowApp. With a new innovative method of smartphone photography, a time lapse animation is generated making changes in our environment visible. Changes which often escape our attention. To enable a nice animation and to allow for an analysis of the change in greenness the GrowApp helps to position the new photo in exactly the same way as the previous photos. The app indicates the place where the first image in the animation was made and the first photo is transparent on the background while making a new photo to allow an optimal overlay. The updated animation is directly visible on www.GrowApp.today. By adding hashtags a selection of animations can be made.

Making animations together

Any person who has the GrowApp installed can add new photo locations and start his/her own animation. Everybody can add images to an existing animation if he/she is at that location. In this way it becomes possible to more frequently add photos to an animation which helps the analysis and interpretation of the greenness changes captured in the animation.

School children do science

The GrowApp is a citizen science instrument that has been developed in the context of the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment program (GLOBE) together with the nature news platform NatureToday.com, Wageningen University and Geodan. GLOBE is an international science and education program that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. The GrowApp is accompanied by educational material (simple and advanced assignments) that can be used by teachers and children. Engaging in real science becomes easy. Scientists will provide regular feedback to the schools about the seasonal changes that take place. GLOBE coordinators in 16 European countries indicated to contribute to the project (contact information is added below).

European green wave: six species

In an attempt to harmonize the observations and to allow European-wide comparison of the seasonal changes we ask special attention for six species: oak, hazel, beech, birch, sour cherry and small-leaved lime. If people from all over Europe participate with the app, a green wave from the south to the north of Europe will become visible. Moreover, the GrowApp images will add a new dimension to the study of climate change induced impacts on our natural environment. Besides the value for science, the animations will allow new ways of visualizing and communicating the seasonal dynamics and changes in people’s own ‘backyards’.

Satellite data are included in the GrowApp with detailed information on when the growing season started,  whether there is a trend for more or less plant biomass in the area as well as yesterday’s day temperature.

The GrowApp is currently only available for Android. A version for iPhones will be presented in a few weeks.

Nieuwe app brengt ontwikkeling lente in ‘achtertuin’ in beeld

Morgen begint de lente, maar de natuur ligt twee weken voor op schema door de hoge temperaturen. Vanaf vandaag kan iedereen met de GrowApp animaties maken van hoe de lente zich ontwikkelt door foto’s te maken van bomen, tuinen of complete landschappen. De GrowApp maakt direct na het nemen van een nieuwe foto een timelapse-video waarmee de seizoensveranderingen vastgelegd en zichtbaar worden.

Timelapse-video van de lente

Om nog beter inzicht te krijgen in het effect van klimaatverandering op de natuur introduceren De Natuurkalender van Wageningen University en het internationale wetenschaps- en onderwijsprogramma GLOBE vandaag de GrowApp. Met de GrowApp wordt het heel eenvoudig om de continue veranderingen in de natuur rondom ons heen in beeld te brengen en te onderzoeken. Het wisselen van de seizoenen gaat geleidelijk. Met de innovatieve smartphone-fotografie in de GrowApp wordt het mogelijk om de veranderingen in onze directe omgeving vast te leggen en versneld terug te kijken in een timelapse-video. Om een mooie animatie te krijgen helpt de GrowApp om een nieuwe foto op dezelfde plaats en in dezelfde richting te maken. De app geeft aan waar de fotolocatie is en de eerste foto uit de serie wordt transparant weergegeven zodat je een nieuwe foto er precies overheen kunt leggen. Na elke nieuwe foto wordt de animatie direct bijgewerkt. Iedereen met de GrowApp kan aan elke animatie foto’s toevoegen. Alle foto’s en animaties zijn direct zichtbaar op www.GrowApp.today.

Screenshot van de website www.growapp.today

Screenshot van de website www.growapp.today

Groene golf in Europa

Via GLOBE worden leerlingen uit 17 Europese landen opgeroepen om mee te doen en de 'groene golf' vast te leggen en te onderzoeken. Deze 'groene golf' zie je ook vanuit de ruimte doordat de lente eerder in het zuiden begint dan in het noorden van Europa. De focus ligt op zes plantensoorten: zomereik, hazelaar, beuk, ruwe berk, zure kers en winterlinde. Iedereen kan zo eenvoudig de verschillen in groeiontwikkeling tussen deze soorten op verschillende plaatsen in Europa vergelijken. Lesmateriaal is beschikbaar op www.globenederland.nl/growapp of op de GrowApp pagina's van Nature Today.

Download the GrowApp op: www.growapp.today.

De GrowApp is momenteel alleen beschikbaar voor Android toestellen. Een versie voor iPhones zal over een paar weken beschikbaar zijn.

Tekst: Arnold van Vliet, De Natuurkalender, Wageningen University en Matthijs Begheyn, Stichting GLOBE Nederland

More solutions from: Wageningen University & Research

Website: http://www.wur.nl

Published: March 20, 2017

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