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FarmMaps (Akkerweb) launched - Open initiative by Agrifirm Plant and Wageningen UR puts data to work

Wageningen, The Netherlands
February 24, 2016

Fields used by growers contain a treasure trove of data. These data are registered and recorded for use by various (trade) partners, but rarely used actively by growers themselves. This was the idea behind the launch of Farm Maps in February 2016: to establish an independent and open platform on which companies can share data and applications that allow growers to obtain added value from their data and the innovations provided by knowledge institutes and supply companies.

Farm Maps is an initiative of Wageningen UR and Agrifirm which combines precision agriculture and big data. It reflects the fact that data only become useful information when linked with other data and when scientific knowledge is applied. Farm Maps prevents the fragmentation of data and puts them to work. The applications on the platform help growers to make better choices and optimises the cultivation on each plot.

FarmMaps, the Dutch name is Akkerweb, is the first platform that brings all field information together in one central geo-platform. The ‘cropping plan’ application, based on geo-data within FarmMaps, is the center of all functionalities with added value for operational management, such as fertilisation and crop protection.

Growers can manage their own data on the platform in a secure way in their own, free, account. The data can be supplemented with input from, for example, satellites, soil sampling authorities, chain parties, farm management systems, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and sensors.

Growers can share this enriched information concerning plots and crops with consultants and other relations. Growers and contractors can then be set to work based on practical VRA (variable rate application) task maps to optimise cultivation on each plot.

FarmMaps is an independent platform for precision agriculture. In addition to the basic applications, e.g, cultivation plans, a variety of organisations will use Farm Maps to develop and provide very specific applications to growers and consultants. It provides the maps, tools, services and functions for the quick and easy development of new applications.

As an open and independent platform, Farm Maps aims to be widely applicable for growers in The Netherlands and other countries. It should enable them to join forces and share tools and information. It provides the possibility to further expand the unique FarmMaps geo-platform developed by cooperation with third parties.

More solutions from: Wageningen University & Research

Website: http://www.wur.nl

Published: February 24, 2016

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