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Seed Processing Holland B.V. and DATA Technologies Ltd. introduce new generation of seed counting machines, the DATA Count S-25 PLUS and DATA Count S-60 PLUS

Enkhuizen, The Netherlands
May 2, 2014

As announced in our latest Newsletter we herewith will inform you about the developments of the DATA equipment. Seed Processing Holland B.V. and DATA Technologies Ltd. are proud to introduce you to the new generation of seed counting machines, the DATA Count S-25 PLUS and DATA Count S-60 PLUS!

DATA Count S-25 PLUS

DATA Count S-60 PLUS

To introduce this new generation we have a special PLUS introduction period in which you can order the machines with an extraordinary discount! This period starts now and ends on Friday May 30th, 2014.

For all orders placed within the introduction period these special prices are valid:

  • The S-25 PLUS has within the introduction period an introduction price of
    € 12,000.--. After May 30th 2014 it has the regular sales price of € 13,000.--.
  • The S-60 PLUS has within the introduction period an introduction prices of
    € 18,100.--. After May 30th 2014 it has the regular sales price of € 19,320.--.

These new S-25 PLUS en S-60 PLUS have the following advantages for counting very accurate your valuable seeds:

  • Automatic TSW calculation (Thousand Seed Weight) with optional available weighing scale with RS-232 interface
  • Count seeds 99,95% accurate, as small as 0.5 mm!
  • Ergonomic design
  • User friendly Touch screen control (Windows 7)
  • Simple seed settings
  • Real-time calibration to count even faster and more accurate your seeds.
  • Equipped with USB and RS-232 ports to connect Peripheral equipment and save & sharing log files (in csv format)

Auto calibration

Counting & weighing

During this PLUS introduction period you have the opportunity to join a demonstration of these new counting machines in our showroom in Enkhuizen. Bring your own seeds with you to try out the different machines. By this way you can experience how easy and accurate these are counted.

Convince yourself of the possibilities of these new PLUS counting machines!

Contact us for more information, your order and/or to make an appointment for a demonstration. We are at your service!
E-mail: info@seedprocessing.nl
Tel.: + 31 228 353 000
Internet : www.seedprocessing.com

More solutions from:
    . Seed Processing Holland BV
    . DATA Technologies Ltd.

Website: http://www.seedquest.com/id/s/SeedProcessingHolland.htm

Published: May 2, 2014











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