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August 30, 2024

How much rapeseed has been sown in Poland in recent years?

July 22, 2024

France - La qualité des graines de tournesol, soja, pois chiche, lentille et lupin décryptée

July 18, 2024

The acclaimed father of Australia’s lupin industry and a world-leading authority on lupin as a crop, Dr John Gladstones, died in May, aged 92

July 16, 2024

France - Récolte 2023: la qualité des graines de tournesol, soja, pois chiche, lentille et lupin décryptée

May 27, 2024

ASCOLUP: end of the project on lupin and chickpea

May 24, 2024

Expanding the growth and adoption of lupin in Canada

May 10, 2024

Geneticists on the hunt for tastier, higher value narrow-leafed lupins

April 24, 2024

Deutschland - Mehr heimische Hülsenfrüchte auf den Tellern: Marktrecherche bestätigt Potenzial

April 12, 2024

‘Legume leader’ set to share 40 years of lupin experience

April 11, 2024

Balancing the bitter-sweetness of lupins to increase their consumption

April 5, 2024

Novel flowering genes to expand lupin production

March 18, 2024

Lupins to be fortified for disease resistance

Project to optimise nutrition for Western Australia's pulse crops

March 1, 2024

Australia - Researchers gain access to genetic resources to speed up oat, lupin breeding

January 26, 2024

#BEANMEAL : Dutch National Consumer Activation Pulses - Supermarkets, caterers, producers and social organizations join forces

January 2, 2024

Aberystwyth University in alternative protein push with new legume partnership (Cambrian News)

New consortium aims to tackle reliance on soy imports - International group wil drive production of soybean, lupin, pea, lentil, bean and clover to address climate and biodiversity crises (Farmers Guardian)

December 15, 2023

JKI-Lupinenzüchtungsforshung im "forschungsfelder"-Magazin - Unter dem Motto "Echte Perlen - Welche Proteinquellen unsere Ernährung mitprägen" featured das Forschungsmagazin des BMEL u.a. unsere Süßlupinenforschung am Julius Kühn Institut (S. 29-33)

November 27, 2023

Nederland - Inperkingsmaatregelen genetisch gemodificeerd Lupinus albus L.

November 20, 2023

Tierfutter: Hirse und Weiße Lupine statt Soja und Mais

November 14, 2023

Lupinen: Eiweißpakete aus Deutschland (UmweltDialog)

November 9, 2023

Western Australia - Genetics project to boost disease resistance in narrow-leafed lupins

September 26, 2023

Lucrative lupin varieties developed in Western Australia (Grain Central)

September 14, 2023

France - Protection des semences de graines protéagineuses (pois, féverole et lupin) : situation à date et perspectives

September 8, 2023

Two new AGT lupin varieties, developed in Western Australia, are set to significantly increase productivity of the state’s most important grain legume

August 7, 2023

Is this the protein plant of the future? New study finds ‘sweetness gene’ that makes lupins tastier (The Conversation)

The causal mutation leading to sweetness in modern white lupin cultivars (ScienceAdvances)

July 14, 2023

Internationale Lupinenkonferenz

July 4, 2023

Internationale Lupinen-Konferenz gibt Impulse zur Ausweitung des Anbaus der Eiweißpflanze und Verwendung als Lebensmittel

Internationale Lupinen-Tagung: Impulse zur Ausweitung des Anbaus und der Verwendung als Lebensmittel



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