Chiang Mai, Thailand
January 17, 2016
Simon Jan de Hoop (r) and Assoc. Prof. Theera Visitpanich shake hands after the MOU signing ceremony in Chiang Mai
On Thursday 14 January 2016, East-West Seed and Chiang Mai University (CMU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to herald a 5-year research cooperation between the two partners.
The MOU will consolidate and build on earlier collaborations between the two partners. East-West Seed and CMU have collaborated in a papaya micropropagation project recently and the company provides training for 6 - 10 bachelor students in their Hortigenetics Research center every year. In September 2015, the company donated a DNA sequencer to the Faculty of Agriculture.
Towards 2018, East-West Seed and CMU will be co-organising the scientific Solanaceae conference, that is organised in a different country every year. The conference focuses on crops in the Solanaceae family such as tomato, potato, tobacco, eggplant, pepper, and the ornamental Petunia hybrida.
Vice President of East-West Seed Simon Jan de Hoop is enthusiastic about the MOU:
“We aim to contribute to the academic careers of students and scientists. High quality academic research is essential to facilitate innovation and future development in our industry. I am very happy to intensify our collaboration with Chiang Mai University - which is almost our neighbor - and reinforce our worldwide network of research partners."
Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at CMU Assoc. Prof. Theera Visitpanich welcomes collaborations with private sector partners: “We are proud to work with East-West Seed, the leading vegetable seed breeder in South East Asia. It is valuable to connect our students and researchers to the everyday practice of agricultural business. ”
On Friday 15 February, 500 students including 150 from CMU, visited East-West Seed’s demonstration fields in Chiang Mai. They were welcomed by Simon Jan de Hoop (photo) and got a tour of the breeding facilities and demonstration fields at East-West Seed's Simon Groot Research Center in Chiang Mai.
Simon Jan de Hoop welcomes students from Chiang Mai University
Chiang Mai University is one of the leading universities in the field of agriculture in Thailand and pursues cooperation with the private industry to support their business goals and contribute to economic development of the region and the country.
East-West Seed is market leader for tropical vegetable seeds in Asia. The family-owned company has played an important role in the development and improvement of tropical vegetable varieties in Southeast Asia and beyond. When he founded the company in 1982, Dutch Seedsman Simon Groot set out to improve the income of smallholder farmers in the tropics through high-quality seeds. East-West Seed develops vegetable varieties that are adapted to tropical growing conditions and generate increased yield and productivity for farmers. In addition, the company educates farmers and helps them to maximize their yield and income through better knowledge on vegetable production.
East-West Seed is one of the 10 largest vegetable seed companies in the world. With a leading position in the most important Southeast Asian countries and rapid expansion into India, Myanmar, Vietnam and parts of Africa and South America. The company exports to over 60 countries in tropical areas of the world.
East-West Seed is based in Thailand, employing over 4,000 people and has R&D establishments in 7 countries. The company serves millions of vegetable farmers around the world.
Chiang Mai University en East-West Seed intensiveren samenwerking - MOU start van 5-jarige samenwerking in onderzoek
Op donderdag 14 januari 2016 tekenden East-West Seed en Chiang Mai Universiteit (CMU) een 'Memorandum of Understanding' waarmee ze een 5 jaar durende samenwerking in onderzoek aangaan.
Het MOU is een vervolgstap op eerdere samenwerkingen tussen de twee partners. East-West Seed en CMU werkten recent samen in Papaya veredeling en het bedrijf biedt 6-10 studenten per jaar een stage aan in haar onderzoeksstation in Chiang Mai. In september jongstleden doneerde East-West Seed een DNA sequencer aan de CMU Landbouw Faculteit.
In aanloop naar 2018 zullen East-West Seed en CMU gezamenlijk de wetenschappelijke Solanaceae conference organiseren. Deze conferentie vindt elk jaar in een ander land plaats en focust op gewassen uit de Solanacea familie, waaronder tomaat, aardappel, tabak, aubergine, peper en petunia.
Vice President Simon Jan de Hoop is enthousiast over het MOU:
"Wij dragen graag bij aan de opleiding en loopbaan van studenten en wetenschappers. Kwalitatief wetenschappelijk onderzoek is belangrijk voor toekomstige ontwikkeling en innovatie in onze sector. Ik ben heel blij met de sterke band en samenwerking met Chiang Mai University. Daarmee versterken we ons internationale netwerk van onderzoekspartners verder."
Assoc. Prof. Theera Visitpanich, decaan van de agrarische faculteit aan CMU voegt toe: “We zijn trots op deze samenwerking met East-West Seed, de grootste veredelaar van groenten in Zuidoost Azie. Voor CMU is het waardevol als onze studenten en wetenschappers dichtbij het bedrijfsleven staan en de dagelijkse praktijk van de agrarische sector leren kennen."
Op vrijdag 15 januari bezochten 500 studenten, waaronder 150 van CMU, de demonstratie velden van East-West Seed. Simon Jan de Hoop (foto) verwelkomde hen en zij kregen een rondleiding over het Simon Groot Research Center, East-West Seed's onderzoeksstation in Chiang Mai.