Calgary, Alberta, Canada
October 18, 2011
Viterra Inc. (“Viterra”) today commended the move by the Government of Canada to give western Canadian grain growers a choice in marketing their wheat, durum, and barley.
“Viterra looks forward to continuing to strengthen our positive relationships with western Canadian growers,” said Mayo Schmidt, Viterra’s CEO. “Viterra will operate effectively in an open market, and has the existing expertise and relationships, in Canada and around the globe, to provide markets for farmers’ wheat, durum, and barley – just as it does today for canola, pulses, oats and other open market grains.”
As an industry leader in grain handling and marketing, agri-products, and value-added processing, Viterra looks forward to working with all partners in industry and government to ensure the Canadian grain sector remains a vibrant and competitive source for agricultural products. With grain terminals, agri-product facilities, and processing plants strategically located throughout the Canadian Prairies, Viterra will continue to invest in its core western Canadian operations in this new and positive environment.
“While marketing choice in itself is a major and positive change for agriculture in western Canada, we also anticipate that further transportation and logistical efficiencies will be realized, benefiting farmers, industry, customers, and the broader economy,” continued Mayo Schmidt. “The future of agriculture in Canada looks brighter than ever.”
Legislation tabled today states that western Canadian grain growers will have a choice in marketing their own grain as of August 1, 2012.