May 17, 2011
As per the assurance given by Mr. Parchuri Vidyasagar, CMD , Vibha Seeds group, to the President of Mozambique, Vidya Sagar foundation (Vifou), a group company of Vibha Seeds, conducted fully sponsored, two & half month, training program on “Seed Production in Field and Vegetable Crops” at Vibha Seeds Group Companies from 6th March to 14th May 2011 to the three officials from the Government of Mozambique.
VIFOU, in a simple ceremony held at its headquarters ‘INSPIRE’, High Tech City, Hyderabad on the 14th May 2011, awarded Certificates to three trainee participants from Mozambique, on completion of this Field and Lab oriented intensive training program The trainees were Mr. Beneditto S. Chellengue, Mrs. Rita Isabel Muando Grachane and Mrs. Morica Tomas. Mr. D. M. Pawar, Public Relations Coordinator, Vibha Seeds, welcomed the gathering and Dr. A. R. Sadananda (Global Technical Lead) gave a brief introduction about the course and the trainees’ background. Mr Parchuri Vidyasagar, CMD of Vibha Seeds Group and Chairman of the VIFOU handed over the Certificates to the trainees. Mrs. Chandravathi Parchuri, ED and Director VIFOU also joined the Chairman in handing over the certificates to the trainee officers.
Mr. Parchuri Vidyasagar, Chairman made a brief speech and requested the trainees to use the advanced knowledge imparted in various crops to use in their country’s seed & agriculture development programs. Mrs. Chandravathi, Co-chair and Director of VIFOU, while wishing safe journey back to Mozambique, exhorted the trainees to work for agricultural development of their country through improved high quality seeds production and distribution Mr.. Vidyasagar, Mrs. Chandravathi and Mrs. Anushree Vamsi Krishna, Director (HR), handed over mementos to the trainees on behalf of the Vibha Seeds Group.
Mr. Beneditto S. Chellengue, Groundnut Breeder & regional representative for SEMEOC seed company in Mozambique, expressed thanks to the Vibha Seeds CMD and VIFOU for facilitating this memorable visit to India and the immense knowledge gained from the training, which will be useful in their development work.