Tainan, Taiwan
March 10, 2011
Source: Newsletter from AVRDC, The World Vegetable Center
Seventeen Center scientists received training in how to use Agrobase, a comprehensive database management software package for plant breeders and researchers, from 7-9 March 2011 at headquarters.
Front row (l to r): Paul Gniffke, Plant Breeder (Pepper/Allium); Roland Schafleitner, Head of
Molecular Genetics; Ramakrishnan Nair, Vegetable Breeder-Legume, Regional Center for South Asia; Dieter Mulitze, President, Agronomix Software, Inc.; Peter Hanson, Plant Breeder; and Narinder Dhillon, Vegetable Breeder-Cucurbits, AVRDC East and Southeast Asia.
Back row (l to r): Chei-yin Lee, Hsin-yi Chang, researchers from Known-you Seed Company; Chee-Wee Tan, Principal Research Assistant, Tomato; Chung-cheng Lin, Principal Research Assistant, Cucurbit; Shu-fen Lu, Research Assistant, Tomato; Miao-rong Yan, Principal Research Assistant, Genetic Resources and Seed Unit; Jin Shieh, Assistant Specialist, Pepper; Susan Lin, Principal Research Assistant, Pepper; Vicky Cherng, Assistant Specialist, Bulb Allium; Ruby Hsiao, Assistant Specialist, Indigenous Vegetables; Supunsa Phethin, Research Assistant Breeding, AVRDC East and Southeast Asia; and Jen-fong Kuo, Senior Research Aide, Indigenous Vegetables
Dieter Mulitze, Agronomix Software, Inc. president, led the training.
By linking data types, including variety names, experiment names, field names, soil conditions, weather, and much more, Agrobase can help breeders prepare plot plans for replicated trials and extract meaningful information from the thousands of data points generated by extensive variety evaluation programs.