King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA
May 14, 2019
UPL AgroSolutions Canada announces that the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has granted approval of BATALIUM™ Herbicide for use in Canada wheat production. With the approval of BATALIUM, growers now have a better and more convenient way to control weeds in spring, durum and winter wheat.
New BATALIUM is a Cross-Spectrum Herbicide that provides rapid and long-lasting control of tough grasses in wheat, while also eliminating a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds, all in one application. Its advanced formulation combines four active ingredients: flucarbazone-sodium, a highly effective Group 2 herbicide, with fluroxypyr and MCPA (Group 4) and bromoxynil (Group 6) – making the herbicide a valuable resistance management tool.
“Featuring three modes of action for all-in-one grass and broadleaf weed control in a single application, BATALIUM will be a dependable weed management tool for Western Canadian wheat growers,” says Trent McCrea, Portfolio Marketing Manager, UPL AgroSolutions Canada. “We are extremely eager to introduce this trusted formulation to the market for spring, durum and winter wheat.”
BATALIUM can be used in a variety of herbicide layering and crop rotation programs for control of a vast array of broadleaf weeds such as common lambsquarters, wild buckwheat, kochia, cleavers, volunteer canola and others. BATALIUM also provides control of hard-to-kill grasses, such as wild oat and green foxtail. BATALIUM is also tank-mixable with MCPA Ester 600 for additional control of hemp-nettle.
Application of BATALIUM can be made to the crop from the 2-leaf stage up to 6-leaf stage or a maximum of four leaves on the main stem, plus two tillers.
For more information about BATALIUM contact your local UPL distributor or sales representative, or click here.