USA - Syngenta GreenTrust 365 ornamental program brings greater value to greenhouse and nursery growers
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
September 26, 2016
- Program starts Oct. 1, 2016
- Provides opportunity for growers to earn yearlong rebates and rewards
- New Multipaks available for savings on recent product innovations
The GreenTrust® 365 ornamental program from Syngenta kicks off Oct. 1, with the Early Order Period running through Dec. 7, 2016. The annual program offers greenhouse and nursery growers the best value of the year through rebates, GreenTrust Rewards, Multipaks and more.
Growers can qualify for GreenTrust 365 and save on the newest additions to the Syngenta ornamental portfolio by purchasing convenient Multipaks during the program period. There are three new Multipaks available:
- Downy mildew and Phytophthora Multipak (Segovis® + Micora® + Subdue Maxx® fungicides) offers a comprehensive rotation solution for downy mildew and Phytophthora diseases
- Mural® fungicide + Mainspring® GNL insecticide Multipak offers two of the most recent ornamental products from Syngenta
- Avid® miticide/insecticide + Mainspring GNL insecticide Multipak delivers an insecticide solution with two modes of action
“With these new Multipaks, growers will have what they need to preventively treat for many common insects and diseases they might face in the upcoming season,” said Laurie Riggs, ornamentals market manager for Syngenta. “In addition, the GreenTrust 365 program lets them plan ahead while earning additional benefits and locking in year-long savings.”
Additional benefits of GreenTrust 365 include:
Yearlong Rebates: Spending at least $5,000 on Qualifying Products from Oct. 1 - Dec. 7, 2016 locks in a yearlong rebate of up to 10 percent.
GreenTrust Rewards: Points from purchases made during the Early Order Period can be redeemed for a variety of gift card options. Purchases made in October earn triple Rewards points. Plus, growers can earn additional Rewards points when they purchase Mainspring insecticide and Mural and Heritage® fungicides. The new Multipaks also count toward earning Rewards points.
For more information on how GreenTrust 365 offers the best value of the year, visit
More solutions from: . Syngenta USA . Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. (USA)
Website: Published: September 26, 2016 |