Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
June 17, 2016
Growers who follow basic principles can make their herbicide applications more effective, efficient and on target. From sprayer preparation to cleanup, diligence pays big dividends.
Jonathan Siebert, Ph.D., Enlist™ field sales leader, suggests growers address a few important steps to save time, money and headaches while getting the greatest performance and value from the herbicides they apply.
Siebert also notes the Enlist™ weed control system allows growers to use Enlist Duo® herbicide in corn and soybeans, which can help growers simplify their postemergence application efforts. Enlist Duo is not yet registered for use on Enlist cotton.
Equipment preparation
When growers think about servicing the sprayer, they tend to think first about servicing the engine. However, all aspects of their equipment deserve attention.
“Growers and applicators should disassemble and clean all sprayer components,” Siebert says. “It’s important to make sure there are no residues or blockages. Also check the hoses, nozzles, screens and filters for wear.”
Calibration is critical for making sure you’re delivering the right amount of herbicide to control weeds effectively without wasting product.
It’s important to clean the sprayer when switching herbicides. If a grower applies a burndown or a preemergence product, it’s essential to make sure all residue of that herbicide is flushed from the system before adding postemergence products. Residual herbicide residues from a preemergence application can cause damage during subsequent application on emerged crops.
Know when to go
Timing is important for making the most positive impact with your postemergence herbicide application. Be aware of the crop stage and treat weeds when they’re small – preferably under four inches tall. Monitor the weather and try to make applications in as timely a manner as possible. When you do get into the field, it’s important to keep the boom height at the lowest approved setting to minimize drift potential.
Of course, it’s important to choose herbicides that will control the weeds that are troubling a specific field. For instance, growers facing tough-to-control or glyphosate resistant weeds need a herbicide that can handle those weeds. Enlist Duo herbicide, which combines glyphosate and new 2,4-D choline, offers two modes of action to control a long list of troublesome weed species in Enlist crops.
The Enlist technology allows growers to incorporate additional modes of action into their weed control program. Enlist™ corn hybrids offer postemergence tolerance to FOPs as well as glyphosate and new 2,4-D choline. Enlist soybean and cotton varieties are tolerant to glufosinate, glyphosate and new 2,4-D choline.
“Choose the best herbicide or herbicides to address the weeds that are showing up in your fields,” Siebert says. “Make sure you read the label carefully and adhere to requirements. This will result in a more effective application and limit environmental concerns.”
If you’re mixing other products in the tank, make sure they’re compatible with your herbicide and that you’re using nozzles that are approved for all products you’re applying. The only permitted tank mix partners for Enlist Duo herbicide are listed at
Select appropriate nozzles
An investment in new nozzles can be money well spent. Nozzles are not designed to last the lifetime of a sprayer. Each brand and model has a different effective lifespan. Make sure the nozzles you use are appropriate for the herbicide you’re applying. For instance, the label for Enlist Duo®herbicide lists 23 nozzles with approved spray pressure ranges.
“With a wide array of approved nozzles, Enlist Duo provides growers some added flexibility,” Siebert says. “Growers may be able to select a nozzle that’s appropriate for multiple purposes. This can save them some time during the busy application season.”
When applying Enlist Duo, adjust spray pressure to an approved setting to ensure adequate plant coverage and minimize drift potential.
Cleaning sprayer equipment
Cleanup is extremely important to avoid unintentional contamination of your next chemical load. Most growers understand the importance of tank cleanout. Make sure to follow product label directions on tank cleanout after herbicide application.
But don’t stop with the tank: Make sure to clean hoses, filters, screens and nozzles. Residue can collect in tiny spaces in these components. These can be easy to overlook, but neglecting them can lead to damage of susceptible crops when you enter another field.
“If you follow label recommendations, you shouldn’t have any problems,” Siebert says. “You don’t want to carry pesticide residues into the next field, particularly if that crop is susceptible to that product.”
With the wet spring many growers experienced this year, susceptible crops may be emerging when sprayers hit the fields. It’s critical to follow label directions, be aware of neighboring crops and sensitive areas. Pay attention to wind speed and direction as well as adhering to product buffer requirements.
Growers can be more successful with a postemergence herbicide application when they: Prep their equipment, choose herbicides and nozzles carefully, monitor weather and growing conditions, and thoroughly clean their entire sprayer components. It can help save time and money while providing peace of mind.
Visit to learn more about the latest herbicide technology and understand the benefits of the Enlist™ weed control system.